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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

I929] U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS 365 ation of $3000 made by the Board at its meeting of November 16, 1928 (Minutes, page 86), "toward the expense of the improvement of the Alumni N e w s " was expended: Printing Special Editions of N e w s on "Faculty," Class Reunions, College of Medicine, etc $i 137 37 Printing additional pages for regular issues 903 40 Mailing, postage, envelopes, (including estimate of mailing Dedication Special based on cost of mailing other specials) 420 15 Cuts for all special issues excepting Dedication Special 175 85 Letter to reunion classes to secure material for Reunion Edition.. 143 11 Miscellaneous help 252 24 Colored covers 105 00 Miscellaneous 24 38 $3161 50 Deduct—paid by Alumni Association 161 50 J3000 00 This report was received for record. REPORT OF ATTEMPT AT BURGLARY IN THE ADMINISTRATION BUILDING (37) The Comptroller submits a report of an attempt at burglary in the Administration Building on Friday morning, July 26. The loss consisted of property damage only, which was entirely covered by insurance. T h i s report w a s received for record. CONTRACT WITH H1NNERS ORGAN COMPANY (38) O n August 7 the Purchasing Agent, acting for the Comptroller, submitted the following bids, secured by Director F. B. Stiven, covering the building and installation of a practice organ in the Music Building. These bids were based on specifications compiled by Director Stiven: Hinners Organ Company $1285 00 Wicks Organ Company 1400 00 Moller Organ Company 1500 00 Kimball Organ Company 2800 00 Estey Organ Company 3052 50 After conference on the telephone with President Armstrong and Mrs. Grigsby of the Executive Committee, I authorized the Comptroller and the Secretary of the Board to execute a contract for the University with the Hinners Organ Company, the low bidder. O n m o t i o n of D r . N o b l e , this action w a s confirmed. RESEARCH ON EFFECTS OF RADIATION ON LIVING ORGANISMS (39) The National Research Council has assigned to Dr. J. T, Buchholz (who joins the staff this year as Professor of Botany), $ 12 50 for research on the effects of radiation on living organisms. One of the conditions of the grant is that the University accept these funds. This merely involves keeping the accounts of this grant in the same manner as accounts of other funds of the University are kept. I have authorized the Comptroller to accept these funds, and request confirmation of m y action on this matter. O n m o t i o n of M r s . E v a n s , this action w a s confirmed. GIFTS TO THE UNIVERSITY (40) The Chemical Foundation, Incorporated, has made an appropriation of $15,000 covering a period of two years, to be payable quarterly, for work on Partial Oxidation to be carried on under the direction of Professor D. B. Keyes. This research problem is an attempt to discover a method of simplifying the steps involved in the manufacture of organic chemicals by substituting air as the oxidizing agent for other agents. M a n y organic chemicals are oxidation products of other organic compounds and the
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