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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

366 board of trustees [September 18 present methods of manufacture involve several steps using costly oxidizing agents. There are no restrictions on this gift except that the money be used for investigation of Partial Oxidation. The Standard Oil Company of Indiana has sent a check for $1200 to the University for the continuation of a research assistantship on the nature of detonation in internal combustion engines, under the conditions and University regulations which were laid down when the assistantship was established. The Tennessee Products C o m p a n y of Nashville, Tennessee, has sent a check for $1000 to the University for the continuation of a research assistantship in the Department of Chemistry established by that company last year. Mr. L. L. Valentine of Chicago, who is a prominent collector of art objects, has offered the University a painting, "April," by Wilson H. Irvine, A. N . A. This painting was part of a collection which was lent the University for an exhibit last spring. The painting is 24 by 27 inches and is valued at $;oo. A Committee which advises m e on such matters reports that it is afinepiece of work. Mrs. Ross Mattis of Champaign, sister of the late Senator William B. McKinley, has presented the University with a portrait of Senator McKinley, to be placed in the McKinley Hospital. For the present, it has been hung in the Art Gallery. The Sherzer Rolling Lift Bridge Company has offered to contribute $300 for experiments now being carried on by Professor W . M . Wilson of the Department of Civil Engineering, to determine allowable bearing pressure on the edge of web plates. The R u h m Phosphate and Chemical Company of Tennessee has offered the Agricultural Experiment Station four wheelbarrow phosphate spreaders. The American Can Company of Chicago has given the Department of Bacteriology 30 cases of canned corn and 20 cases of condensed milk for use by students in studies of microorganisms in normal foods. The Western Electric Company has offered the Department of Electrical Engineering a filter, three resistance boxes, a condenser, and a relay, valued at ?ioo. I have authorized acceptance of these gifts. T h i s report w a s received for record. GIFTS OF PICTURES OF GERMAN BRICK ARCHITECTURE (41) Mr. Arthur Woltersdorf of Chicago has presented to the Department of Architecture one-half of a collection of photographs of German Brick Architecture which has been a traveling exhibit in the United States during the past year (the other half has been presented to the University of Michigan). Dean Ketchum and Professor Provine recommend acceptance of this gift. Since this is an imported collection, the regulations of the Treasury Department require that the recipient execute a bond to the effect that these photographs imported by Mr. Woltersdorf and donated to the University shall not be sold or exposed for sale or be used in any way contrary to law. I recommend that this gift be accepted, that the following resolution be adopted, and that the Secretary be directed to issue a certified copy of this resolution to be sent to the United States Customs Service: RESOLUTION R E S O L V E D , that H. M . Edwards, Acting Comptroller, be and is hereby authorized and directed to execute in the name of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, a bond to the United States of America in the sum of two hundred five dollars ($205) to the effect that photographs of German Brick Architecture imported by Arthur Woltersdorf and donated to the University of Illinois for use in its Department of Architecture, shall be used only for the purpose of exhibition and shall not be sold or exposed for sale or use in any way contrary to the laws and regulations of the United States. O n m o t i o n of M r . Blair, this resolution w a s adopted. O n m o t i o n of M r . Barr, the Comptroller w a s authorized to execute a b o n d for t w o h u n d r e d five dollars as required. O n m o t i o n of M r . Barr, the Secretary w a s directed to send a certified c o p y of the resolution to the United States C u s t o m s Service.
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