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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1919] U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS 341 State tax for a fund for the support and maintenance of the University of Illinois," approved June 10, 1911, in force July 1, 1911, as amended July 7, 1927, two million seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($2,750,000) per annum; out of any funds in the State Treasury not otherwise appropriated, two million andfifteenthousand dollars ($2,015,000) per annum; for the following objects and purposes: For salaries and wages $3 515 000 per annum For office expenses, including printing and publications 150 000 per annum For travel 35 000 per annum For operation 485 000 per annum For repairs 160 000 per annum For equipment 290 000 per annum For improvements other than new buildings 130 000 per annum Total $4 765 000 per annum Sec. 2. There is hereby appropriated to the University of Illinois for the two years beginning July 1, 1929, and until the expiration of thefirstfiscalquarter after the adjournment of the next General Assembly, the sum of two million five hundred thousand dollars ($2,500,000) payable out of any funds in the State Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for buildings as follows: Addition to Power Plant: (Boiler House Addition and equipment, new deep well, and filtration plant) $ 250 000 Woman's Gymnasium and Equipment 300 000 Chemistry Annex and Equipment 335 000 Agricultural Buildings and Equipment (Completion of Cattle Feeding Plant and Agronomy Seed House) 115 000 Medical and Dental Laboratories and Equipment to be located on the grounds of the Research and Educational Hospital in Chicago 1 500 000 Sec. 3. The appropriations made in Sections 1 and 2 of this Act shall be subject to all the provisions, conditions, and limitations of an Act entitled, "An Act in relation to Statefinance,"approved June 10, 1919, in force July 1, 1919. Sec. 4. There is hereby appropriated to the University of Illinois for the two years beginning July 1, 1929, and until the expiration of the first fiscal quarter after the adjournment of the next General Assembly, for the payment of interest on the endowment funds of said University as provided by Section 2 of an Act entitled, "An Act to make appropriations for the University of Illinois, and providing for the management of the funds of said University and for the protecting of the interest of the State in connection therewith," approved and in force June 11, 1897, the sum of thirty-two thousand five hundred dollars ($32,500) per annum, or so much thereof as m a y be necessary under the terms of said Act. Sec. 5. Upon the Order of the President of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, countersigned by its Secretary and with the corporate seal of said University attached thereto, the Auditor of Public Accounts is herewith authorized and directed to draw his warrants on the State Treasurer for the sums appropriated in Section 4 of this Act. Approved, June 14, 1929. Louis L. Emmerson Governor Fred E. Sterling President of the Senate David E. Shanahan Speaker of the House of Representatives (SENATE BILL NO. 114) A n Act appropriating to the University of Illinois the money granted by an Act of Congress, approved August 30, 1890, entitled, "An Act to apply a portion of the colleges forof forpublic lands to theMarch the 1907, entitled "Anyear endingof ap30, 1908." by an Act provisions the Act of Congress, approved July for the fiscal the moneyunder the proceeds ofof anbenefit of agriculture Agriculture 2,1862," andand supportgranted propriations Congress, approved ofmore perfect endowmentestablished the Department and 4, mechanic arts, Act making the June
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