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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

34° BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 17 Supervising American Seating Chairs $ 2 120 oo Competitive* Architect Company Supervising AlHs ChalmerB Manu- Centrifugal Pumps 5 939 00 Competitive' Architect factoring Company Supervising American Well Works Centrifugal Pumps 1 583 00 Competitive1 Architect Supervising Steel Furniture Com- Opera Chairs 5 5°* 7° Competitive* Architect pany Supervising G. B. Limbert and Stee! Pipe 4 286 00 Competitive Architect Company Supervising W. B. Read and Com- Desks 1 105 92 Competitive Architect pany Horticulture Melzer Auto Sales Dodge Truck 1 no 25 Quoted Total #37 4io 26 Approved by Board of Trustees June n, 1929. •Bids received by Supervising Architect and approved by the Board of Trustees June 11, 1929. •Same chair as on previous award by the Board of Trustees. •Approved by the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees June 28, 1929. SUMMARY OF PURCHASE ORDERS, YEAR ENDING JUNE 30, 1929 Number Per cent Purchase orders placed locally s 3 29 3719 Purchase orders placed in the state other than locally 5 578 38 93 Purchase orders placed in the United States other than Illinois 3 360 23 45 Purchase orders placed in foreign countries 61 43 14 328 100 oc Procedure by Number of Orders Open orders S 667 39 5; Quoted prices 7 991 55 77 Blanket orders 491 3 43 Emergency orders 63 44 Contract 116 81 14 3281 100 00 Procedure by Volume of Orders Open orders $101 988 50 10 92 Quoted prices 781 067 67 83 67 Blanket orders 39 937 12 4 28 Emergency orders. 3 80 76 04 Contract 10 170 81 1 09 #933 544 861 100 00 *A total of 102 of these orders amounting to #275,155.46 were #1,000 or over in amount and have been reported to the Board in detail month by month. H. M. Edwards Purchasing Agent This report was received for record. CERTIFIED COPIES OF UNIVERSITY APPROPRIATION BILL (38) I submit herewith certified copies of the Acts passed by the 56th General Assembly, making appropriations to the University of Illinois for 1929-31, These include the general appropriation bill providing for a total of $12,095,000 ($12,030,000 plus $65,000 interest on the endowment funds of the University), the reappropriation of Federal funds granted under Acts of Congress passed 1890 and 1907 (totaling $100,000), and an appropriation of $20,000 for the Cook County Experiment Station. (SENATE BILL NO. 115) An Act making appropriations for the University of Illinois and providing for the expenditure thereof. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, represented in the General Asafteryearsadjournment of the Treasury untilsetanexpiration of thefourasfiscalfor Out the Section of July in next General the Act University of million seven of money beginningthe is hereby and and Assembly, entitled, " A n Illinois quarter hundred paidi. There State accordance with to thethe sum of first follows: by two University intothousand 1929, appropriated apart for the payablemaintenancethe sembly: sixty-fiveIllinois, 1, dollars ($4,765,000) per annum, use andAct to provideof the
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