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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1929] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 339 COMPTROLLER'S REPORT OF CONTRACTS A N D PURCHASE ORDERS (37) The following report from the Comptroller on contracts and purchases executed since the last report: July 12, 1929 President David Kinley, 355 Administration West Dear President Kinley: I transmit herewith report of contracts executed by the Comptroller since the last report, together with report of the Purchasing Agent of purchase orders issued during the month of June, 1929, amounting to $1,000 or more. I a m also submitting a summary of all purchase orders for the year ending June 30, 1929. As the report indicates, a total of 14,328 orders were issued during the year representing a total amount of $933,545- Of this number 102, representing a cost of $275,155, were $1,000 or over in amount and have been reported to the Board in detail month by month. Orders placed within the State of Illinois represented 76 per cent of the total. Definite prices were secured, competition being followed in every case practicable, on 56 per cent of the orders issued. These orders represented 84 per cent of the total cost of all orders placed. Respectfully submitted, Lloyd Morey Comptroller CONTRACTS EXECUTED BY THE COMPTROLLER JUNE 5, 1929, TO JULY 12, 1929 Contract reported to the Board of Trustees in meeting of June 11, 1929: Name Amount Date Item Chilean Nitrate of Soda Educa- $1 500 May 29, 1929 Experimental research by Agricultural Illinois Printing of N. Y. City 7 934 June 24., 1929 Printing, binding, andeffects of potash tional Bureau Company Experiment Station on delivering 4,000 (Approximately) copies of 1928 Alumni Directory. on crop production. Based on unit regulations: Contracts executed under general prices. Lease Millikin general regulations: Paul S. contract executed under I 200 June 21, 1929 Cleaning, pressing and repairing 2,500 Leased to Property Rental Date Tenure army overcoats. A.C.Wilson Dwelling at 806 South Sixth St., £70.00 per month June 30, 1929 July 1, 1929, to PURCHASE ORDERS ISSUED IN JUNE AMOUNTING June 30, 1930. Champaign, Illinois TO Department Firm Description Agricultural Extension E. V. Kirby Company Two Fords Service Five Fords Agricultural Extension E. V. Kirby Company Vacuum Pan Mojonnier Brothers Dairy Service Company Chairs Supervising American Seating Architect Lighting Fixtures Company Supervising Central States General Architect Electric Supply Com- Lighting Fixtures Supervising pany Architect Central States General Wheat Straw Dairy Electric Supply Ceiling Units Supervising Company Architect J. L. Brentlinger Curtis Lighting, Inc. $/ooo OR MORE Amount Procedure $1 290 00 Quoted 2 835 00 Quoted 1 8is 70 Quoted 4 620 00 Competitive1 1 195 89 Competitive1 1 953 80 Competitive1 1 035 00 Competitive 1 019 00 Competitive1
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