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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1928] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 31 REPORT, W O M A N ' S RESIDENCE HALLS (43) A report on the operation of the Woman's Residence Halls. September 19, 1928 President David Kinley, SSS Administration Building Dear President Kinley: I send you herewith a financial report of our two large Woman's Residence Halls as of September 12, 1928, which is approximately the beginning of a new year of operations. The operation this summer resulted in a small loss and the expenditures for repairs and replacements amounted to over $12,000. As a result, the net balance in the Residence Halls fund which on June 15, 1928, was as per m y letter of July 14, $114,886,01, was on September 12, 1928, as per the enclosed report, $102,477,60. Cordially yours, Lloyd Morey Comptroller Schedule A W O M A N ' S RESIDENCE HALLS B A L A N C E SHEET S E P T E M B E R 12, 1928 ASSETS Current Assets Cash #108 320 90 Accounts Receivable 2200 Inventories Food $2 966 29 Supplies 295 97 3 161 16 Total Current Assets $111 605 16 Fixed Assets Land 23 854 77 Building . 479 042 30 Equipment 73 5'6 47 Total Fixed Assets 576 413 54 Total Assets $688 018 70 LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS Current Liabilities Deposits for Admission $ 4 130 00 Accounts Payable 4 947 56 Reserve for August-September Salaries 50 00 Total Current Liabilities % 912756 Surplus Surplus Invested in Fixed Assets 576 4(3 54 Operating Surplus (Sen. B) 102 477 60 Total Surplus 678 891 14 Total Liabilities and Surplus $688 018 70 Schedule B W O M A N ' S R E S I D E N C E HALLS S T A T E M E N T O F OPERATING SURPLUS 1928-29 T O S E P T E M B E R 12, 1928 Woman's West Residence Residence ' Dining Hail House Hall House Total Room Operation Operation Operating Profits Summer Session $162380 $ 1513 $163893 Less: Miscellaneous Expenses June 382 40 126 8i 451 50 11 988 06 416 34 925 •Deficit—Deduct. Profit to101S (Sch.etc 1928.. $r 241301 $8 72390; $2 205027 $102 419 4655 Add: Net Operating Profit Repairs, A) Deduct:Equipment June 15 1928 Expensesforward Purchases September 12, New Total Operating is, Balance forSeptember15, Equipment Replacements Balance Extraordinary $124140 $112681*$ 318 96 $$10228662* 171 61* $1365 86* 100 48* 1141 86695* 40121*$ 1170233 897 01 477 60
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