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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

3o board of trustees [September 20 Schedule D Mckinley hospital comparative cost statistics 1926-27 AND 1927-28 Cost Per Patient Day 1926-27 1027-2$ Income Total Income $4 42 $441 Expense Salary of Superintendent 36 39 Salaries of Nurses and Orderlies 1 22 136 Salary of Dietitian 24 25 . Wages of Kitchen Help 15 16 Wages of Office Help 07 10 Wages of Maid 22 33 Wages of Technician 11 n Wages of Miscellaneous Help 05 17 Sub-total Salaries and Wages (2 42) (2 87) Food 122 128 Laundry S3 57 House Expense Cleaning Supplies 05 08 Electrical and Mechanical Supplies 03 03 Gas 07 07 Office Expense 07 08 Repairs. . 10 12 Sanitary Hauling 01 02 Sterilization Equipment Operation 03 02 Drugs and Medical Supplies 20 20 General Supplies Ice 05 07 Naplrins, Towels, and Cups 01 04 Newspapers and Magazines 01 01 Miscellaneous 02 02 Total Expense *4 82 $s 46 Operating Loss $ 40 $1 07 Patient Days 5 893 5 565 On motion of Mr. Trees, this report was received for record. ENDORSEMENT OF THE CHICAGO HISTORICAL SOCIETY (41) The Chicago Historical Society has asked the University to endorse its project to build a modern Historical Library and Museum on site to be provided by the Commissioners of Lincoln Park in Chicago. The Society would appreciate the adoption of the following resolution by the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois: RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the General Assembly of the State of Illinois has recently enacted legislation by virtue of which the Commissioners of Lincoln Park are authorized to allocate a site in the Park to the Chicago Historical Society, A N D W H E R E A S , the Society proposes to erect on this site a modern, artistic, fireproof building for the purpose of an historical library and museum which will provide special rooms for children and adult education and modern lecture equipment, together with a lecture service in the public schools on special subjects as desired and approved by the Superintendent of Schools, A N D W H E R E A S , the work of this great organization is educational, and its sphere of influence is state wide, although its building is centrally located in our great metropolitan city, This report adultare of whichresolution its E and conveniences, deserves the (42)in the IllinoisfireproofB E andof Chicago,work,appeared. UNCLAIMEDof project.OofE thisopinionEthateducationalwith special provisionsUniOn motionandHDr. fromfor theSupervisingLthehave hereby this Society found for the campus versity of buildings, R theCityT otherO was D that the expresses ofto erect a modern,great wasE received for R for Architect of Trustees its the on andthis reportpublic the buildingclaimants project on articles approval children W artistic, Noble, of N A support of TARTICLES O theE R F education Ino record. adopted. S V
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