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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

I929] UNIVERSITY O F ILLINOIS 277 Salary 11. G. E. Gere, Junior Accountant (C. S.) $ 1 300 (From Residence Halls and Hospitals 500) (Total salary 1 800) 12. Florence Cunningham, Stenographer (C. S.) 1 440 13. Helen Norton, Clerk (C. S.) 1 380 14. Pauline Phillips, Bookkeeper (C. S.) 1 200 15. J. T. Douglass, Bookkeeper (C. S.) 1 080 16. lone Robbins, Clerk and Typist (C. S.) 1 080 17. Clarana Lowery, Typist (C. S.) 1 140 Bursar's Division 18. H. B. Ingalls, Bursar (C. S.) 4 800 19. C. A. Webber, Assistant Bursar (C. S.) 2 900 20. H. A. Hazleton, Cashier (C. S.) 2 000 21. J. I. Johnson, Assistant Cashier (C. S.) 1 680 22. Floyd W . M u m m a , Assistant Cashier (C. S.) 1 320. 23. Alice Matheny, Clerk (C. S.) 1 200 (From Residence Halls 300) (Total salary 1 500) 24. Thelma Montgomery, Payroll Clerk (C. S.) 1 380 25. Helen M . Gordon, Stenographer (C. S.) 1 200 26. G. W . Michael, Bookkeeper (C. S.) 1 200 27. Ruth Clinite, Stenographer (C. S.) 1 200 28. Hortense Scott, Stenographer (C. S.) 1 080 Purchasing Division 29. H. M . Edwards, Purchasing Agent (C. S.) 5 000 30. J. E. Millizen, Assistant Purchasing Agent (C. S.) 3 700 31. W . M . Tullock, Traffic Clerk (C. S.) 2 500 32. E. G. Smith, Inventory and Voucher Clerk (C. S.) 1 800 33. Zella Ulum, Stenographer (C. S.) 1 500 34. Augusta Moore (Mrs.), Typist (C. S.) 1 260 35. , Stenographer (C. S.) 1 080 36. J. M . Lindgren, Supervisor of General Chemical Storeroom (1 yr.) Total, Applied Office $ 76 750) (From BusinessChemistry Testing Fund 2 720 REGISTRAR'S OFFICE Chemical Storeroom (From General 750) (The divisions in this budget are for administrative convenience only.) 500)1 (Total salary 3 1. G. C. Crawford, Storekeeper 37. C. P. Tuttle, Registrar (C. S.) (C. S.) (From General Chemical $ 5 500 Division Storeroom of Admissions ' . 1 800) 2. W . A. Grossman, Examiner (C. S.) (C. S.) (From General Chem- 3 150 D. L. Bennett, Stock Record Clerk 38. (Accountancy Fund ical Storeroom 1 700) 800) 350) 39. W .(Entrance Examinations K. Lumsden, Head Storekeeper (C. S.) (From Office Supply (Total salary 4 100) Storeroom 2 200) 3. E. Pearson, Assistant Storekeeper (C. S.) (From mos.) 300 40. F. C. Seyler, Assistant Examiner (C. S.) (f£ time; 12 Office Supply (Entrance Examinations 900) ^Iso from Athletic Association; 1928-29, $1500; 1920-30, $1700. Storeroom 1 020) (Total salary 1 200)
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