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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

276 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July *7 The Salary Budget This budget as printed is corrected to August 1, 1929. Unless otherwise indicated, appointments are governed by the following conditions: 1. The service required in all positions in the teaching staff is for the academic year ending with Commencement. Salaries of positions of the rank of Associate and above are payable in twelve equal monthly installments; salaries of other ranks, in ten equal monthly installments. 2. The service required in all positions in experiment stations and bureaus of research, and research positions in other departments is for a full year of twelve months, allowing for vacations, and salaries are payable in twelve equal monthly installments. 3. The service required in all other positions—administrative, clerical, and service positions—is for a full year of twelve months, allowing for vacations, and salaries are payable in twelve equal monthly installments. 4. All appointments begin September 1, 1929. C. S. (Civil Service) appointments are for one year. Administrative and General PRESIDENT'S OFFICE Salary 1. David Kinley, President (Indef.) $ 15 000 2. A. Total, President's Office J. Janata, Private Secretary and Assistant to the President (ia $ 30 980 mos.; TRUSTEES 5 000 BOARD OF exempt) 3. H. B. Johnston, Executive Secretary (C. S.) 4 000 1. H. E. Cunningham, Secretary (1 yr.) ? 1 500 4. Albert R. Lee,Press Clerk (C. S.) Chief 1 000 (University 4 000) 5. Helen V. salary Stenographer (C. S.) Simpers, 700 (Total 51000) 6. Elizabeth P. McEvoy, Stenographer (C. S.) 1 400 LEGAL COUNSEL. 7. S. Johnson, Legal Counsel (1 yr.) Professor of L a w (Indef.) (Salary 1 380 i. Marie Bierfeldt (Mrs.), Stenographer (C. S.) under College of Law) $ Total, Legal Counsel $ 1 200 a. Naomi Fleming, Stenographer (C. S.) BUSINESS OFFICE (The divisions in this budget are for administrative convenience only.) General 1. Lloyd Morey, Comptroller (1 yr.) Professor of Accountancy (Indef.) $ 8 ooo1 2. G. A. Mills, Assistant to Comptroller (C. S.) 3 75° 3. A. E. Lee, Statistician (C. S.) 3 250 4. Merle Rhoads, Chief Clerk (C. S.) 1 800 5. Maxine McCormick, Stenographer (C. S.) 1 500 6. Genevieve Vencill, Typist (C. S.) 1 200 Auditing and Accounting Division 7. C. H. Pratt, Auditor (C. S.) 4 400 8. With leave of absence forfivemonths(C. S.) September 1, 1929. A. Lincicome, Chief Accountant beginning 3 500 9. S. C. Smith, Assistant Auditor (C. S.) 2 100 10. L. M . Dahlenburg, Junior Accountant (C. S.). 1 800
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