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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

266 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 17 LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR MR. H. 1_. GILL (3) Director George Huff recommends that Mr. Harry L. Gill, Associate in Physical Education and Athletic Coaching, and track coach, be given leave of absence on half pay during the year 1929-30, although, under the rules, he is not eligible since he does not hold professorial rank. On motion of Dr. Noble, Mr. Gill was given leave of absence without p a y for the year beginning September i, 1929. APPOINTMENT OF FRANCIS W. LOOM IS AS PROFESSOR AND HEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT OF PHYSICS (4) In accordance with the authority given m e at the meeting of the Board on M a y 17, 1929 (page 178), I have appointed Professor Francis VV. Loomis, of N e w York University, to the position of Professor and Head of the Department of Physics, at a salary of $7,000 a year. O n motion of M r s . Grigsby, this action w a s confirmed. APPOINTMENT OF PROFESSOR ROBERT DANIEL CARM1CHAEL AS HEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT OF MATHEMATICS (5) Dean Babcock recommends, and I concur, that Professor Robert Daniel Carmichael be appointed Head of the Department of Mathematics at a salary of $8,000 a year, effective September 1, 1929. On motion of Dr. Noble, this appointment was made. APPOINTMENT OF DR. F. P. REAGAN AS ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF A N A T O M Y (6) Dean Davis and Professor Kampmeier recommend that Dr. Franklin Pearce Reagan, of Indiana University, be appointed Associate Professor of Anatomy in the College of Medicine, at a salary of $5,250 a year. I concur in this recommendation. O n motion of M r s . E v a n s , this appointment w a s m a d e . APPOINTMENT OF DR. ALLAN G. BRODIE (7) Dean Noyes requests that Dr. Allan G. Brodie of Newark, N e w Jersey, be appointed Professor of Orthodontia, on one-half time, at a yearly salary of $4,500, for one year beginning September 1, 1929. O n motion of D r . Noble, this appointment w a s m a d e . APPOINTMENT OF DR. JOHN W. ALBIG AS ASSISTANT PROFESSOR O F SOCIOLOGY (8) Dean Babcock recommends that Dr. John W . Albig, Instructor in Sociology at the University of Michigan, be appointed Assistant Professor of Sociology for two years from September 1, 1929, at a salary of $3,000 a year. O n motion of M r . S i m p s o n , this appointment w a s m a d e . APPOINTMENT OF DR. FREDERICK STANLEY RODKEY AS ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR OF HISTORY (9) Dean Babcock and Professor Larson recommend that Dr. Frederick Stanley Rodkey of Miami University be appointed Associate Professor of History on indefinite tenure, beginning September 1, 1929, at a salary of $3,700 a year. On motion of Mrs. Grigsby, this appointment was made. EXTENSION FORESTER IN THE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE (10) Dean Mumford informs m e that under the federal law providing for the appointment of an extension forester, the appointee to that position in each State is required to act under the supervision of the Director of Extension of the College of Agriculture
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