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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1929] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 261 PATENT OF TEST FOR MEASURING PHOSPHATE CONTENT OF SOILS (5) The Department of Agronomy has developed a new test for measuring the phosphorus content of soils. Professor Burlison and Dean Mumford are of the opinion that the public should be protected by the patenting of this test. The entering of the patent claims will establish the date of priority and will hold any patent features for two years in the Patent Office and they could then be allowed to lapse and be revived for one year, so that filing of such claims would provide for three years of protection, which would give sufficient time to determine the advisability of further procedure. The cost offilingclaims plus attorney's fees for the preparation of the application would be about $50. President Kinley recommends that Professor Burlison be authorized to file application for patent, the same to be assigned to the University. O n motion of M r . Barr, this motion was adopted. CONTRACT FOR SIDEWALKS AND DRIVEWAY FOR LINCOLN HALL ADDITION (6) The Supervising Architect presents the following schedule of bids for sidewalks and driveway for Lincoln Hall Addition: Lincoln Hall Bidders Walks and Drive F. A. Somers Ji 322 78 Kent and Company 1 350 00 Sowers and Corkery 1 400 00 King and Petry 1 600 00 J. H. Hunzinger and Company 1 675 00 The Supervising Architect recommends, with the President's concurrence, that the contract be awarded to F. A. Somers of Urbana, the lowest bidder, at his bid of $1,322.78, payable from the State appropriation. O n motion of Mr. Barr, this contract was awarded to the lowest bidder as recommended. BIDS ON ELECTRICAL SWITCHBOARD FOR LINCOLN HALL ADDITION (7) The Supervising Architect presents the following bids for the electrical switchboard for the Lincoln Hall lecture room: Wurdack Electric Company $6,500 less 5 % for cash—10 days Frank A d a m Electric Company 8,300—5% in 10 days H e states that these bids are from twofirmsw h o m he selected to bid on this work and whose bids, as nearly as he can tell, are on the basis of the specifications. The Supervising Architect recommends, and President Kinley concurs, that the contract be awarded to the Wurdack Electric Manufacturing Company of St. Louis, the lower bidder, on the basis of their bid of $6,500, less five per cent (5%) for cash in ten days, payable from State appropriation. O n motion of Mr. Barr, this contract was awarded to the lower bidder as recommended. CONTRACT FOR MUSEUM CASES FOR LINCOLN HALL ADDITION (8) The Supervising Architect submits the following schedule of bids on museum cases for Lincoln Hall: 1. Wahlfeld Manufacturing Company $7 465 00 2. Walrus Manufacturing Company 7 629 40 3. Jorgeson and Company 9 090 00 He recommends that the contract be awarded to the Wahlfeld Manufacturing Company of Peoria, the lowest bidder, on the basis of their bid of $7,465.00, payable from the State appropriation for the building. President Kinley concurs in this mended.motion of recommendation. Mr. Barr, the contract was awarded to the lowest bidder as recomOn
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