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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1929] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 219 Anne McKinney Hodgson Louise Wilhemene Hofferbert Charlotte June Hoffman, with Honors in Spanish Valentina Cathrine Hofsommer Nedra Wyvetta Hollis Lester Stokes Hornbuckle David McColl Hudson Zola Leona Hulick Ethel Jual Hull Jesse Raymond Hurley, with High Honors in English Charles Sudduth Hurt Timothy Brigham Ingwersen Albert Henry Isenberg Helen Woods Jackson, with Honors in English Robert Lynn Jacobs, with Honors i English n Pauline Jarman Samuel George Jenkins Mary Elizabeth Jens Marian Isabel Jewell Anna Alida Johnson, with Honors i Chemistry n Irvin Harry Johnson Elizabeth Joiner Ada Josephine Jones Mildred Van Voorhis Jones Margaret Elizabeth Joplin Elizabeth Amelia Jung Grace Marie Kamm Mary Elizabeth Kane J Geraldine Kaufman, with Honors in French Robert Reed Relley, with Honors in Chemistry Helen Elizabeth Keniston Floyd Marion Kenlay Elizabeth Jane Ketchum Ruth Lander Kidder Frederic Lee Kirgis, with Honors in P l t c l Science oiia Edythe Jessie Kirk, with Honors in Latin Genevieve Moore Kirman Emily Helen Kniep, with Honors in Psychology Francis Jacob Koenig Donald Winston Kohlstedt Helen Katherine Koontz Norman Adolph Korfist Mildred Agnes Kosin Alice Jean Kostakos Ida A Kroenlein, with Honors in Lucille Mary La Porte Florence Lackey Elsa Kruschwitz Lafond Ruth Paul Marie SisterMary Law Mathematics Harold Eugene Lawrie Francis Raymond Lawson Mary Katheryn Layton Robert Edward Lee Earl Smith Leimbacher, with Honors in Zoology Sara Levy, with Honors in Psychology Naomi Marie Lierman Maxine Stewart Lill Levi Robert Lind, with Honors in Classics Carl Glenn Lindsey Arlene Louise Lippert LaVerne Olga Livezey Kathryn Mary Lock Grace Elizabeth Lockhart, with Honors in English Maydee Logeman Ruth Jane McArthur, with Honors in History Harold Fosset McClellan Glenn Bryan McClelland, with Honors in P l t c l Science oiia Alice Trowbridge McCormick Lucile McCowen Dovia Carl McDavid Margaret Plowman McGlothlin Faye Marguerite McMillan, with Honors in French Meribah Jean Mabie Flossie Thelma Marshall James Young Marshall, Jr. Emily Kathleen Martin, with Honors in Mathematics Marian Helen Martin, with Honors in English and Philosophy Mary Elizabeth Martin Mattie JaSula Martin Mildred Alice Martin, with High Honors in English Helen Dixie Mason Philip Bentley Masslich Estella Fern Matheny Ruth Elizabeth Memler Mildred Edna Merker Adele Marie Mernitz, with Honors in Public Speaking Helen Louise Merryweather Arlene Lucille Miller David Absalom Miller Gustav Adolph Miller Howard Russel Miller, with Honors in Chemistry John Francis Miller, with High Honors in P l t c l Science oiia Constance Hardin Moon wlllard ewartMiller, Russell Everettm0n0hon Charles Gatz Mitchell Milton AlbertZoology with Honors in Mills
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