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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

220 BOARD TRUSTEES [June ii Enly Leola Moore Cora Helen Morgan, with Honors in Latin Ollie Nathaniel Morris Edward Martin Mueller, with High Honors in German Florence Annette Munson James Frederick Murphy Waldo Evans Murphy Doris Emigene Nelson Norma Marie Netzow Julia Dorothy Neville Helen Gertrude Newey Catherine Louise Nichol Sarah Anne Niederman John Elmer Nordstrom Nelson Nuttall Loretta Regina O'Connell Joseph Edmond O'Donnell Marian Lawrence Olive John Hurst Olwin Robert Borgia Orlovich, with Honors in English John Roseberry Orndoff Carmen Paddick, with Honors i n History and P l t c l Science oiia Kathleen Elizabeth Pangborn Ruth Imogene Parks Helen Louise Patton Adelaide Cole Paul Frank Perardi Avice Mayona Perdew Louise Helen Perkins Fred V Peter Evaline Anne Pettigrew George Noble Portner Alden Leslie Powell Frank Elizabeth Powell Kathryne Erin Powers Ethel Alice Ragland Martha Oliver Ragland Annette Shlaes Raphael Lottie Bernice Rector Thomas Lynam Reedy Hazell Helen Reeves Margaret Alice Rehm Henry Richard Reynolds Kathryn Isabei.le Rickman, with Honors in English Edward Henry Riechers Arthur Gordon Rippey, Jr. Robert Robb Cornelia Mary Roberts Eugenia Haise Robertson Josephine Robertson WilliamRudolphRoss with James Murray Royer Loren Jonathan Roy, Marvin Albert Rowe Charles LewisHistory Margaret Julia Rowell Honors in Rodemeier Rebecca Rubin Ralston Lawrence Rundquist John Frederick Salkeld Adele Ruth Sattenstein Harriett Selma Sattenstein Robert Thomas Saunders Doris Georgia Scheib Dorothy Frances Scheib Virginia Louise Schenck Mathdlda Elizabeth Schneider, with Honors in Zoology Ellen Agnes Schultz May Louise Schultz Margaret Schumacher Harold William Scott John Locke Scripps Catherine Martha Seiter Mary Frances Sexton Gladys Viola Shaw Virginia Burke Shaw Mary Elizabeth Sheldon Edgar Alan Shoaff, with Honors in English Ruth Clara Siemer Harriet Lucile Smiley James John Smiley, Jr. Virginia Powers Smith Harold Norman Solomon Anna Elizabeth Solon Genevieve Ruth Sorensen Marjorie Stocking Raymond William Stoltey Howard Kenneth Story Grace Madeline Isley Stretcher Catherine Marguerite Sullivan Lewis Randolph Sutin Virginia Reed Taggart Frank Selby Tarvin Mildred Kelley Terry Laura Lee Thomas Virginia Marion Thomas Fern Elizabeth Thompson Margaret Elvina Thrasher Alice Margaret Tiebout Helen Cabot Toler Thomas Grindley Tolman Mary Margaret Torticil William Trelease, Jr. Mary Lillian Trenchard Bernice Winnifred Tress George Holborn Turner Helen Vance Underwood Henrietta Tifft Underwood Alpha Margaret Vaky Emma Louise Vannatta Harold English Latin Leila Dell Volberding with Velvie MarionVose, with Honors Dorothy Fay Vursell Ethel Maurine Vetter Honors in Vkana, in Dean
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