Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
i8 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [September 20 Summer Session Surplus Winter Term Surplus: September 15-October 15 October 15-November 15 November 15-December 15 December 15-January 15 January 15-February 15 February 15-March 15 March 15-April 15 April 15-May 15 May 15-June 15 Total Surplus from Operations 1027-28 Add: Forfeited Deposits Appendix I RESIDENCE HALLS SUMMARY OF OPERATIONS 1927-28 Woman's DavenResidence port Halls House $ 2 322 46 Total $ 2 322 46 541268 % 19989 561257 625105 357 78 660883 6 966 73 507 96 7 474 69 3 158 48 182 29 3 340 77 4 442 34 476 15 4 918 49 5 541 34 384 13 5 925 47 670997 50017 7 210 14 560339 36834 5 97173 5 39696 34-2 15 5 739 " $ S< 805 40 $3 318 86 $ 55 124 26 760 0° 7° 00 830 00 $ 52 565 40 $3 388 86 $ 55 954 26 Deduct: Extraordinary Repairs, Equipment, Remodeling, and August 15-September 15, 1927, Expense .. 6 875 43 630 04 7 505 47 Transferred to General University Income for Land and Improvements (Net) 35 34° 12 35 340 12 (42 215 55) (630 04) (42 845 59) % 10 349 85 $2 758 82 % .13 108 67 Aid: Balance forward June 15, 1927 104 536 16 7 145 25 111 68i 41 Surplus as at June is, 1928 $114 886 01 $9 904 07 $124 790 08 Appendix II STATEMENT OF MEMORIAL STADIUM FUND AS AT JUNE 30. 1928 RECEIPTS A N D DISBURSEMENTS Prior to Total July / 1027 1927-28 , to Dale Receipts From Subscriptions JSi 634 267 12 £28 733 33 ti 663 000 45 From Donations 5 03 8 12 5 03 8 12 From Interest 24 820 26 I 63 I 23 26 451 49 From Loans. 75 000 00 31 000 00* 44 000 00 Total Receipts $1 739 125 50 t, 635 44* $1 738 490 06 Disbursements Office Payable Instalments 371 94 ThisPastCollection toAssociation Association. •Deductionrefundedreceived for Office Expense BALANCEbe Instalmentsrefunds.forPledges) over .... $1 485 508r50 %.2 479 74 86g1$735084 42 Assetsreportdue(including Unpaid record. LiabilitiesDue Instalments Excessoof SHEET Expense Notes Assets Due Total Athletic CashCash Balance Construction was by Athletic Future Pledge Liabilities ^ from Assets Disbursements $1 735 72 78 $ 229 42 $ 456 479 22 n 635 44 497 374 86 $1 736 010 64 3 861 500 000 00 44 084 861 2 374 22 635 78