Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

ASSETS I, General and Building Funds Cash in Hands of University Treasurer Petty Cash Funds Balances in State Appropriations For Operation $ 4 584 88 For Buildings (. i 174 569 or . Stores and Service Departments Loan to McKinley Hospital (Trust Fund) Accounts Receivable Due from State Board of Funds II. Trust Vocational EducaCashtion (Smith-Hughes). Investments 12 US 18 733 57 242 950 00 57 III. Endowment Fund Endowment Fund (in hands of State Auditor) from Land Grant of 1862 IV. Plant and Property Plant and Property Schedule D B A L A N C E S H E E T AS A T J U N E 30, 1928 LIABILITIES AND SURPLUS I. General and Building Funds Appropriation Balances $687 172 54 (Sen. C) 30 600 00 Reserved for Encumbrances £998 292 67 Subject to Reappropriation 102 002 08 $1 100 294 75 1 179 153 89 Special State Biennium Appropriation Bal121 820 53 ances Available for Expenditure in 1928-29 307 886 98 14 450 00 Reserve for Extension 27 755 17 Petty Cash Funds. . . 1 200 00 Reserve for Stores 122 360 64 $ 2 076 Reserve for Loan to Trust 130 533 66 16 033 70 Fund 14 450 00 114 933 27 $1 076 985 83 558 Residence Hall and Hospital Balances 142 253 34 312 818 75 558 285 68 Unappropriated AgriculIII. Reserve for Endowment Fund 649 tural Income 12 991 60 Unappropriated Income 649 012 91 IV. Bonds (Reserve and Conand Surplus tingent Fund) (SchedDental Property Bonds.. . 60 000 00 20 882 056 05 52 548 52 ule Treasury Bonds. . 7 600 00 375 400 00 $24 166 340 47 Less: A) 20 829 656 05 20 882 II. Reserve forInvested in Surplus Trust Funds $24 166 LoanFixed Assets Funds. from General 14 450 00 Non-Expendableand Surplus 445 857 z6 460 307 26 Total Liabilities Funds.. . Expendable Funds 97 978 42 MD & 985 83 285 68 012 91 I—I < M » in H * O *4 f F M o 05605 340 47