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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

182 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [May 17 LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR MISS FANNIE M. BROOKS (23) Dean Mumford recommends, and I concur, that Miss Fannie M . Brooks, Assistant Professor of Home Economics Extension, be given a leave of absence for one month from July 13 to August 13, without pay, for travel in Europe. O n motion of M r s . Evans, this leave w a s granted. LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR MR. C. M. LINSLEY (24) Dean Mumford recommends that Mr. C. M. Linsley, Assistant Professor of Soils Extension, be given a month's leave of absence, without pay, during which time and during his vacation month he will visit various experiment stations in Europe. I concur. On motion of Mrs. Busey, this leave was granted. SICK LEAVE FOR DR. ALICE H. SULLIVAN (25) Dean Babcock reports that Dr. Alice H. Sullivan, Associate in Psychology, will be unable to resume her teaching duties before the end of the semester, on account of illness. In the meantime her work will be taken care of by her colleagues. Dean Babcock recommends, and I concur, that she be given sick leave for one month, beginning M a y 11, without reduction of pay. O n motion of M r s . Evans, this leave w a s granted. ABSENCE OF MR. D. A. ALBRECHT (26) Dean Mumford reports that Mr. D. A. Albrecht, Assistant in Farm Mechanics in the College of Agriculture and the Experiment Station, was absent from April 1 to M a y 15 on account of a serious operation. His work during the present semester has been entirely in the Station and was postponed temporarily, so that i was not t necessary for the Department to incur any expense on account of his absence. This report w a s received for record. EXTRA-HAZARDOUS CHARACTER OF EMPLOYMENT OF H. M. NEWELL IN DEPARTMENT OF HORTICULTURE (27) On June 29, 1928 (page 751), the Board approved a policy of extending compensation for accidents to certain members of the faculty. Under this plan, work which is considered extra-hazardous must be previously approved as necessary for the work of the University, and specific recognition given by the Board of Trustees to the extra-hazardous character of the work before i is undertaken, i the University is to t f assume any responsibility in case of accident. Under this provision, Dean Mumford requests authority for Mr. H. M . Newell, Assistant in Fruit and Vegetable Marketing in the Department of Horticulture, to go on with studies on certain fruit handling and shipping experiments, which work will require his riding on freight trains, being about railroad yards, and at times riding inside refrigerator cars for short distances, between M a y 6 and October 1, 1929. I recommend that this work be recognized as being extra-hazardous, but necessary to the studies which are being carried on by the University, and that Mr. Newell be authorized to go on with i under the conditions mentioned. t O n motion of M r . Barr, this recommendation w a s approved. REQUEST OF ETA KAPPA NU, HONORARY ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING FRATERNITY (28) The Eta Kappa Nu Honorary E e t i a Engineering Fraternity, which w l lcrcl il celebrate on October 28, 1929, the twenty-fifth anniversary of its founding at the University, at which time i will hold its annual convention at Urbana, requests pert mission to place an appropriate marker on the campus commemorating the founding of the Fraternity. Their officers have in mind a boulder with a plate attached, and wish permission to place this boulder on the campus near where the Association was founded, which was under a tree on what was then the south campus, or else on some spot near the Electrical Engineering Laboratory. The Supervising Architect recommends that the Fraternity be given permission to place such a marker. I concur, with the proviso that the size, character, and location of the marker be subject to the approval motion of M r . Trees, this recommendation w a s adopted. O n of the Supervising Architect.
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