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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1929] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS l8l APPOINTMENTS T O T H E FRANCIS J. P L Y M FELLOWSHIP IN ARCHIT E C T U R E A N D T H E P L Y M SCHOLARSHIP IN ARCHITECT U R A L ENGINEERING (19) On recommendation of the Plym Fellowship Committee and the Plym Foreign Scholarship Committee, concurred in by Dean Ketchum, I recommend the following appointments: William Piers Crane, II, of the class of 1928, as the Sixteenth Plym Fellow in Architecture. Eldon Louis DeCosted, of the class of 1928, to the Sixth Plym Foreign Scholarship in Architectural Engineering. O n motion of M r . Fisher, these appointments were m a d e . DEGREES OF DOCTOR OF MEDICINE AND CERTIFICATES IN MEDICINE (20) I submit a l s of candidates recommended by the University Senate on April 15 it for certificates in Medicine as of February, 1929, and for the degree of Doctor of Medicine as of the date indicated in each case, and request authority to confer the degrees and to issue certificates and diplomas accordingly. Certificate in Medicine (as of February, 1929) Edwin Waldemar Edahl, B.S. Willard Edwin Kramer, A.B., B.S. Degree of Doctor of Medicine John Richardson Alexander—February 14, 1929 Harold D Clavberg—December 1, 1928 Edward Albert Grabarski—December 31, 1928 Cornelius Edward Healy—December 31, 1928 Paul Frederick Kionka—April 1, 1929 Harold William Kishpaugh—December 31, 1928 Alfred Larson—December 31, 1928 Francis William Logan—October 3, 1928 Lee Rov McDaniel—October 3, 1928 George Milles—January 31, 1929 Herbert Thomas Nash—December 31, 1918 Louis Parmacek—December 31, 1928 Ralph Otis Peterson—November 1, 1928 Nicholas Ernest Sodaro-—January 31, 1929 Frederick Burnham Western—-December 31, 1928 O n motion of M r s . Evans, this authority w a s granted. LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR PROFESSOR H. C. M. CASE (21) Dean Mumford recommends that Professor H. C. M . Case, Head of the Department of Farm Organization and Management, be given two weeks' leave of absence with pay during the coming summer so that he may spend his vacation period and this additional two weeks in an inspection of the agriculture of England and Scotland and in attending a conference on Agricultural Economics and Farm Management. I concur. O n motion of M r . Trees, this leave w a s granted. LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR PROFESSOR W. L. GAINES (22) Dean Mumford recommends that Professor W. L. Gaines of the Dairy Department be given leave of one month on pay during the summer to be devoted, with his month's vacation, to the study of work in his line being carried on in the various experiment stations in the West and Southwest. Professor Gaines intends to drive his own car at his own expense visiting the stations in Arkansas, California, Texas, Missouri, and probably other places. I concur in the recommendation. O n motion of M r s . Grigsby, this leave w a s granted.
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