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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1929] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS I79 A P P O I N T M E N T O F DR. A R T H U R GIBSON VESTAL AS ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR O F B O T A N Y (9) On recommendation of Dean Babcock and Professor Hottes, I recommend that Dr. Arthur Gibson Vestal of Stanford University be appointed Associate Professor of Botany, beginning September 1, 1929, at an annual salary of $4,200. O n motion of D r . Noble, this appointment w a s m a d e . APPOINTMENT OF DR. M. J. WASSERMAN (10) On recommendation of Dean Thompson and Professor Bogart, I recommend that Dr. M a x Judd Wasserman be appointed Assistant Professor of Economics for two years beginning September 1, 1929, at an annual salary of $3,250. O n motion of M r . Trees, this appointment w a s m a d e . APPOINTMENT OF DR. HERBERT JOSEPH REICH, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR O F ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING (11) On recommendation of Dean Ketchum, I recommend the appointment of Dr. Herbert Joseph Reich, Instructor of Physics at Cornell University, as Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering, for one year beginning September 1, 1929, at a salary of $3,000. O n motion of M r . Fisher, this appointment w a s m a d e . APPOINTMENT OF DR. M. H. HUNTER AS ACTING HEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT OF ECONOMICS (12) Dean Thompson and P o e s r Bogart recommend t a Dr. M. H. Hunter, rfso ht Associate Professor of Economics, be appointed Acting Head of the Department for the year 1929-30. I concur in this recommendation. On motion of Mrs. Busey, this appointment was made. RESIGNATION OF PROFESSOR EDWARD A. BOY DEN, PROFESSOR OF ANATOMY (13) I report the resignation of Professor Edward A. Boyden as Professor of Anatomy, to take effect at the end of the academic year. H e has accepted a position at the University of Alabama. This report w a s received for record. APPOINTMENT OF ANDREW J. CASNER AS INSTRUCTOR IN L A W (14) Dean Harno recommends the appointment of Mr. Andrew J Casner as Instruc. tor in Law for ten months, beginning September i, 1929, at a salary of $2,500 for the period. I concur in this recommendation. O n motion of M r s . Grigsby, this appointment w a s m a d e . RESIGNATION OF ARTHUR G. ELDREDGE (15) A report of the resignation of Arthur G. Eldredge as Director of Photographic Laboratory and Instructor in Photography, to take effect June 30, 1929. This report w a s received for record. RESIGNATION OF MISS CORA K. MILLER (16) A report that Miss Cora K. Miller, Assistant to the Dean of W o m e n since 1924-25, has announced that she will not be able to accept reappointment for next year because she has decided to go on with advanced studies. This report w a s received for record. APPOINTMENTS TO THE STAFF FOR 1929-30 (17) I request confirmation of m y action in approving in advance of the budget the following appointments for 1929-30 in positions already existing and at salaries already provided, or less:
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