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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

158 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [April IO PURCHASE OF RADIUM FOR COLLEGE OF MEDICINE (10) Dean Davis recommends the purchase of a supply of radium for the use of the Departments of Surgery, Obstetrics, Dermatology, and Roentgenology. He recommends the purchase offiftymilligrams of radium needles, costing $3,500, and ten milligrams of radium plaques, costing $700. If the radium is purchased it will be desirable to insure it against loss and theft, which insurance will cost $143 a year. I recommend that the purchase of radium needles and plaques be authorized, the total cost not to exceed $4,200, and that the Comptroller be authorized to purchase insurance against loss or theft, the cost not to exceed $143—all to be charged to the Special Equipment Fund of the College of Medicine. O n motion of M r . Trees, this recommendation w a s approved. REFUND OF FEE TO A. A. ROSENFELD (11) The Council of Administration recommends that Mr. Arthur A. Rosenfeld, a former student of the senior class at the University, who was forced to drop out on February 20 on account of illness, be given a refund in full of the incidental fee which he paid for the second semester. O n motion of M r . Barr, this refund w a s authorized. COOPERATION WITH FOREST PRODUCTS LABORATORY OF THE UNITED STATES D E P A R T M E N T O F AGRICULTURE (12) The Forest Products Laboratory of the United States Department of Agriculture at Madison, Wisconsin, has asked the University to cooperate with the laboratory in their research on wood and wood celluloses through Dr. George L. Clark of our Department of Chemistry. This work will involve no direct expense to the University but will bring to it the following advantages: 1. The X-Ray Laboratory of the Chemistry Department will be officially designated for exclusive fundamental studies of the X-Ray structures of wood celluloses and other related substances. 2. The work will be in line with Professor Clark's researches and will give the University opportunity to make discoveries for publication. 3. The publication of all results will be exclusively under the authority of the University. 4. The University will obtain specimens not available elsewhere. I recommend that this cooperative work be authorized. O n motion of M r . Simpson, this w o r k w a s authorized. LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR PROFESSOR OLDFATHER (13) On recommendation of Dean Babcock, I recommend that Professor Oldfather, Head of the Department of Classics, be given leave of absence with full pay from February 1 to September 1, 1929, on account of i l health. His work in the departl ment has been, and will be, carried on by his colleagues without additional cost to the University. O n motion of M r . Fisher, this leave w a s granted. LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR PROFESSOR WALTER L. SUMMERS (14) On recommendation of Dean Harno I recommend that Professor Walter L. Summers, of the College of Law, be given leave of absence without pay for one year from September 1, 1929, to enable him to do legal research work for the Humble Oil and Refining Company and the Texas Gulf Sulphur Company, which is in his field of law. O n motion of M r . Barr, this leave w a s granted. LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR PROFESSOR R. S. SMITH (ij) On recommendation o Dean Mumford I recommend that Dr. R. S. Smith, f Professor of Soil Physics, be given a leave of absence for two weeks on full pay during the summer in order that he may examine the so-called Podsol soils which occur in northern N e w England, northern N e w York, northern Michigan, and northeastern Minnesota. In addition to this time on leave he plans to spend part of his vacation in making this study. O n motion of M r . Trees, this leave w a s granted.
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