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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

I929] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Rale Cost ioiJ4 $ 4 060 33 151 SECURITIES PURCHASED Security Par Value Appalachian Power Company,' 5%, 1941... $ 4 000 00 Atchison, Topeka and Santa Fe Railroad Company, Rocky Mountain Division, 4%, 1965 12 000 00 Chicago Union Station,1 4}4%, 1963 iM 9 1 % IlM -92*A II 074 63 15 000 00 2M 99^6 2M 99>i iM 99H 10M 100M $ 15 037 39 loiYt 10 362 50 5M 10454 10M 105 15 739 '5 11 00000 iM ioiJ< 10M ioi# 11 165 is 6 M 103 K 5M 103K 11 372 50 102K 10 250 00 5M 102^ 10M 103 Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company, 5%, 1939 Commonwealth Edison Company, 5%, 1943. Des Moines Electric Company, 5%, 1938.... San Diego Consolidated Gas and Electric Company, 5%, 1939 I0 °°0 °° 15 000 00 n 000 00 Swift and Company,1 5%, 1944 10 000 00 West Pennsylvania Power Company, 5%, 1946 is 000 00 15 476 87 $104 538 52 Excessof proceeds of sales over purchases.,.. $ 307 37 O n m o t i o n of M r . Trees, this report w a s received for record. HIGHWAY AT ALE DO Mr. Armstrong, for the Executive Committee, reported that an arrangement, having the oral approval of the donor of the experiment field at Aledo, had been made for the location of a highway through the tract, taking twenty-eight hundredths of an acre. O n motion of Mr. Trees, this right of way was granted, subject to the receipt of a release from the donor, and the proper officers of the Board were empowered and directed to sign the necessary papers when the release is received. INSPECTION OF HOUSES Mrs. Grigsby presented the following: A meeting of the Committee on Student Welfare was held at the Blackstone Hotel, in Chicago, on Wednesday, February 13, 1929. Mrs. Grigsby, Mrs. Evans, M r . Simpson, and President Kinley were present. O n motion of Mrs. Evans, it was voted to recommend to the Board that the proper officers of the University, through the President, be authorized and instructed to inspect all houses in which students live to promote safety, health, and good living conditions, and to enlist the cooperation and aid of such public officers as m a y be necessary. Helen M. Grigsby Laura B. Evans F. H. Simpson O n motion of Mrs. Grigsby, this recommendation was adopted. 1McKinley Endowment, Economics of Public KINLEY APPOINTMENTS MADE BY PRESIDENT Utilities. The *The date in parenthesis is the date on which the following wast of appointments Secretary presented for record the appointment l s made by the President of i the University. made by the President of the University: Amtman, Leo E., Instructor i Pathology and Bacteriology, i the College o n n f Medicine, on one-fourth time, for four months beginning February 1, 1929, at a cash compensation at the rate of fifty dollars ($50) a month. (February 12, I929)2 Ayres, Donald P., Assistant in Architecture, in the College of Engineering, betion at February one hundred continuing until June 30, 1929, (February 12, 1929) ginningthe rate of 14, 1929, andseventy dollars ($170) a month. at a cash compensa-
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