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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1929] U N I V E R S I T Y O F ILLINOIS 147 4. The choice of minor subjects is restricted to two departments; there is no such restriction in the old requirements. 5. At least thirty hours of the work taken in the junior and senior years must be in courses not open ordinarily to freshman or sophomore students. 6. The requirement limiting the amount of work (forty semester hours) which can be taken in any one department for credit is removed. 7. The total number of hours which students m a y take outside of the Arts and Sciences group is restricted to thirty-six, or the equivalent of a year's work. A detailed statement of the new requirements follows: PROPOSED NEW REQUIREMENTS FOR GRADUATION FROM THE COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS AND SCIENCES (Approved by the University Senate, February //, igzg,}or transmission to the Board of Trustees) University Requirements: Each candidate must meet the general University requirements with respect to registration and residence, and must also secure credit in approved courses amounting to one hundred thirty hours, an hour being one class period a week for one semester. Each class period presupposes two hours of preparation by the student, or the equivalent in the laboratory or drawing room. A. Prescribed subjects. T o be commenced in the first semester of the freshman year, except as otherwise provided, and to be continued until the completion of the requirements. 1. Hygiene—1 hour. 2. Physical Education—4 semesters. 3. Military Science (for m e n ) — 4 semesters or the equivalent. 4. Rhetoric—2 semesters. This requirement m a y be satisfied by either of the following methods: (I) Passing Rhetoric 1 and 2. (II) Passing a proficiency examination equivalent to an examination in Rhetoric 2. 5. Foreign Language—A reading knowledge of a foreign language (French, German, Greek, Latin, Spanish, or Italian) equivalent to that obtainable after four semesters of a foreign language when commenced in college. This requirement m a y be satisfied by either of the following methods: (I) Passing French 2b, or a more advanced course; German 5 or 6, or a more advanced course; Greek 4, or a more advanced course; Latin ia, or a more advanced course; Spanish 2b, or a more advanced course; Italian 2b, or a more advanced course. (II) Passing a proficiency examination equivalent to thefinalexamination in any of the courses mentioned in 5 (I). B. T o be taken prior to the senior year. 1. Liberal Arts English literature, foreign literature (based on thefirsttwo years of college work in the language chosen, or its equivalent), economics, history, political science, philosophy, and sociology; a total of 15 hours chosen from at least three departments, including one course in English or foreign literature, or in the history of philosophy. 2. Science Astronomy, bacteriology, botany, chemistry, geography, geology, entomology, mathematics, physiology, physics, psychology, and zoology; a total of 15 hours chosen from at least three departments, including one course with a minimum of four hours' laboratory work per week. In any curriculum in which fewer than 15 hours of laboratory science are required a student w h o major subject as defined by unit 5 hours ofwithscience shall the required C. T 1. be the5 enters without at least one ments for taken hours. freshman year. departments free the approval of the facto substitute 20hours of laboratory science for of laboratory electives in be requireo ulty, In graduation.the after
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