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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
146 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [March 12 LEAVE OF ABSENCE TOR MISS R U T H A. W A R D A L L (10) On recommendation of Dean Mumford, I recommend that Miss Ruth A. Wardall, Head of the Department of Home Economics, be given a sabbatical leave of absence on one-half salary during the year 1929-30, under the rules. O n m o t i o n of M r s . B u s e y , this leave w a s granted. LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR JOHN VAN HORNE (11) On October 26 (page 69) Dr. John Van Home, Associate Professor of Romance Languages, was granted a sabbatical leave of absence on half pay for the year 1929-30. H e has just received notice of his appointment to a Guggenheim Fellowship for study and travel abroad. H e has asked for permission to accept this appointment in addition to his leave. The appointment will not interfere with his travel and his study while on leave, but, on the contrary, will assist him in his work. The appointment imposes no engagements of any kind whatever except the diligent prosecution of the work for which you grant leave. I recommend that he be authorized to accept this appointment. O n m o t i o n of M r s . B u s e y , this r e c o m m e n d a t i o n w a s adopted. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR APPOINTMENTS AND PROMOTIONS FOR 1929-30 (12) I request confirmation of m y action in approving in advance of the budget the following new appointments and promotions for 1929-30: John Paul Heironimus, Assistant in Classics at $2,000. C. A. Jacokes, Assistant in Mathematics on two-thirds time at $ 1,000. John Franklin Locke, Assistant in Mathematics on two-thirds time at $1,000. Carl O. Mohr, Assistant in Entomology at $1,625. Change in status and salary of Dr. N. W . Krase of the Department of Chemistry from the rank of Assistant Professor at $3,500 to the rank of Associate Professor on indefinite tenure at a salary of $4,200 a year. James Nardin Truesdale, Assistant in Classics on one-half time at $600. Paul Shaner Dunkin, Assistant in Classics on one-half time at $600. Ellis R. Ott, Assistant in Mathematics on one-half time at $700. Armond William Bear, Assistant in Mathematics on one-half time at $750. The positions in each case already exist and there are no changes from the existing budget except in the case of Dr. Krase. O n m o t i o n of M r s . B u s e y , the action of the President of the U n i versity w a s confirmed. AUTHORIZATION TO PERMIT DR. EUMER ROBERTS TO CARRY OUT SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATIONS IN CHINA (13) On recommendation of Dean Mumford and Professor Rusk, Head of the Department of Animal Husbandry, I recommend that Dr. Elmer Roberts, Associate Professor of Animal Breeding, be permitted to spend the year 1929-30, or so much thereof as is necessary, in China in order to carry out certain investigations of the inheritance of resistance to disease—all expenses including traveling and equipment to be paid out of Purnell funds. O n m o t i o n of M r . Trees, this r e c o m m e n d a t i o n w a s approved. REQUIREMENTS FOR GRADUATION IN THE COLLEGE OF LIBERAL ARTS A N D SCIENCES (14) The University Senate recommends the adoption of new requirements for graduation in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences to be effective for the class entering the University in September, 1929. The changes from the present requirements are: 1. A provision that the requirements in rhetoric and foreign language may be met by passing the usual courses in these subjects or by passing proficiency examinations. 2. The requirement in foreign language is changed so as to require a reading knowledge of at least one foreign language equivalent to that obtainable after four semesters ofchanges work. of the junior year before the beginning of the senior year instead of at college in must be completed as provided at simplification, provide that 3. Therequirementsthe "group requirements," aimedin the old requirements. these the beginning
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