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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

144 B O A R D OF TRUSTEES [March 12 PLANS FOR SKATING RINK (1) A request that Professor White be allowed to present the plans for the skating rink to be built by the Athletic Association. Professor White presented the plans for the skating rink. O n motion of M r . Trees, action on these plans was deferred until the next meeting. T h e President of the University w a s requested to ask Director Huff to present this matter to the Board. CONTRACT FOR TESTING MACHINE FOR MATERIALS TEST! N G L A B O R A T O R Y (a) Among the items of equipment desired by the College of Engineering for the new Materials Testing Laboratory provided for in the appropriation therefor is a new testing machine. Experts on the faculty have been investigating the matter for some time and have made a report and recommendation, concurred in by the Dean and the Supervising Architect, for a three-million pound machine. The Purchasing Agent received bids in accordance with the specifications drawn by our people as follows: Capacity of Machine 2-million lb. ^-million lb. Tinius Olsen Testing Machine Company $35 000 $45 000 Riehle Bros. Testing Machine Company 50 000 60 000 Southwark Foundry and Machine Company 39 500 44 000 By making several slight changes in the specifications which will not reduce the efficiency of the machine, the Southwark Foundry and Machine Company will furnish a three-million pound hydraulic testing machine for $40,000, f.o.b. Urbana, Illinois. The Supervising Architect and Dean Ketchum recommend that a contract for a three-million pound hydraulic testing machine under the revised specifications be placed with the Southwark Foundry and Machine Company at a price of $40,000 f.o.b. Urbana, to be paid for out of the legislative appropriation for the Materials Testing Laboratory and equipment. I concur in this recommendation. O n motion of M r . Barr, this r e c o m m e n d a t i o n w a s adopted. DELEGATION OF SIGNATURES (3) I recommend that the deans and directors and heads of departments and other officers be authorized and permitted to name other responsible members of the staff to sign their names to papers requiring their signatures, according to the following provisions: 1. The names of the person or persons to w h o m this authority is delegated must be formally approved in advance by the President, on recommendation of the Comptroller, and, in the case of department heads, by the dean or director, and notice of that approval must be sent to all parties concerned. The person thus delegated may not sign any paper until he has been notified by the Comptroller that the President has approved the delegation. 2. Such delegation of authority to sign another officer's name shall be confined to responsible officers of the University, of a rank not lower than that of associate professor, excepting that others may be permitted to exercise this authority when properly conferred for the signing of routine papers, such as requisitions for supplies, payroll vouchers, and similar papers of a routine character, for which appropriation has been duly made by the Board specifically (and not in lump sum as is done, for example, for equipment, the individual pieces of which are to be duly selected and approved by the dean) and also papers which have already been signed in some other form by the dean; for example, i a requisition for a certain sum has been approved by f the dean or other proper officer it may not be necessary for him personally to sign vouchers or other documents therefor, but his signature may be appended thereto by the properly delegated party. case 3. The personorofpersonssignature thereunder.dean or other officer, as in every may sign with name or the head ofh o m authority to sign is delegated shall the case be, the his her own to w department or
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