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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1929] UNIVERSITY O F ILLINOIS II7 policy for the University to establish in such cases. This committee submits the following recommendations: 1. W e recommend that the policy of the University in such cases should be the same as that adopted by the Board of Trustees on June 29, 1928, regarding the faculty in general when engaged in extra hazardous work, namely, that these persons be included in the scheme whereby compensation may be awarded in case of accident arising out of the employment. 2. W e recommend that in all cases where a piece of work is undertaken under the conditions of a cooperative agreement, the cost of any compensation arising from accidents to employees engaged in this work be paid from the funds provided for the investigations. 3. It is impracticable to assume that each fund must individually stand responsible for any accidents that might occur within its field of work as a single accident might easily involve the total amount of the fund in some cases. N o individual or organization would likely accept a contract in which such a provision was included. Consequently, w e recommend that for the purposes of providing protection and of apportioning the cost equitably among all funds, liability insurance in the form of a group policy on all employees in cooperative research projects be taken out. The expense of such a policy would be apportioned to the different funds in accordance with the ratio of their payrolls to the total payroll of all such funds. In this way the cost to each fund would be nominal. A preliminary estimate of the cost of this insurance gives an average of approximately $2 per $100 of the annual payroll. As the payroll represents at least 75 per cent of the total expense, the approximate burden would be iyi per cent of the total of each fund. 4. W e recommend that in each cooperative research agreement hereafter entered into, the following paragraph be included: It is agreed that there shall be purchased and maintained in force adequate liability insurance covering all persons at any time engaged in the research or investigation herein contemplated in case of accidental injury or death arising out of or in the course of such employment; and the cost of such liability insurance shall be paid from the funds provided by the party with w h o m contract is made. 5. A limited amount of commercial testing is done under the rules of the Board covering this subject. Such work is accepted only when it is of scientific value or facilities for doing it do not exist elsewhere. In the majority of cases, the work is assigned to members of the staff as a part of their University service and the University collects the charge made for the service. Occasionally the work is of such a nature that it is necessary to call on members of the staff to do it on their own time and give them permission to render a bill for their own services, a procedure which is authorized by our rules. It is clear to us that work falling under the first group should be treated as University work and the University should assume any expense that might arise out of accidents resulting therefrom. W e believe further that the University might probably do the same for the second class of work even though individual members of the staff m a y receive extra compensation therefor. They do this work at the request of the University and in the interest of the public service of the University and there would seem to be no practicable manner of otherwise placing the responsibility. It should be added that the amount of this kind of work is very small and is steadily diminishing. Respectfully submitted, M. S. Ketchum Sveinbjorn Johnson W. L. Burlison ( c i g for atn Dean Mumford) Lloyd Morey I concuras a policy toM r . Trees, this University. d athat nthea above report be adopted motion of be followed by the r e c o m m e n t i o w s adopted. O n in these recommendations and recommend
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