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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

I929] UNIVERSITY O F ILLINOIS "5 C.P.A. C E R T I F I C A T E S (i 1) The Committee on Accountancy recommends, and I concur, that the following candidates who passed the November, 1928, examination for Certified Public Accountant, as certified by the Board of Examiners, be awarded the C.P.A. Certificate: Ogden Ashley H. Everett Olson Gilbert Butler Brown Howard F. Pratt James Darrell Coon George William Price Sam Davis Ambrose Mathias Reiter Albert Russell Griffith Albert Lee Roderick Clyde Casper Hale Everett Edgar Roll Edward Joseph Hoffman Stanley Reynold Sandberg John Fredrick Hueni De Forest W. Seymour Byrne A. Jackson Benjamin Bernard Silver Frank Edward Kohler, Jr. Walter Mason Smith William M. Layman Sol Stangle Hyman Eugene Leichenger Arthur Robert Stone Ralph Arthur Martin Harry Leonard Trugman Charles Robert Miller John Rowland Ward A. Robert Nelson Curtis Holgate Wflley Edward J. Norman Charles N. Wilson On motion of Mr. Simpson, these c r i i a e were awarded. etfcts A M E N D M E N T OF REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE THOMAS J. SMITH SCHOLARSHIPS IN MUSIC (12) For some time it has seemed to m e that our regulations governing the Smith Scholarships in Music might well be revised. After receiving the report of a Committee and studying the matter, I recommend that the following rules be adopted to replace the present regulations governing the scholarships: THOMAS J. SMITH SCHOLARSHIPS IN MUSIC Captain Thomas J. Smith of Champaign, Illinois, on September 17, 1914, conveyed to the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois certain farm lands to aid in the construction of what is now the Tina Weedon Smith Memorial Building, with the further stipulation that the Board of Trustees shall grant annually in the University of Illinois four free scholarships in Music " for young women who may seek a musical education but who are unable to pay the customary charges for instruction in Music." REGULATIONS 1. Applicants for original appointment must satisfy in full the entrance requirements of the University for the School of Music as stated in the University Register and must matriculate in that School for the semester immediately following their appointment. 1. Each applicant for original appointment to one of these scholarships shall present satisfactory evidence of promise in Music and of inability "to pay the customary charges for instruction in Music." 3. Each applicant shall submit an essay of not fewer than 250 words on some subject in music, chosen by herself, to show that she has adequate training in English composition. 4. These scholarships shall be awarded "by way of preference to candidates from Champaign County." In case the number of successful candidates from Champaign County is fewer than the number of available scholarships, the remaining scholarships may be awarded to candidates from other counties in Illinois. In case the number of acceptable applicants exceeds the available scholarships, the order of their appointment shall be determined by the Committee on Thomas J. Smith Scholarships in Music, on the basis of comparative promise in Music and of financial need. duringofTheseall subjects..of years provided the Music. musicmadeatThey second semester5.for be a two, orJ. Committee. these by theshall be were adopted.average gradeyear one,Thomasthe Smith Scholarships in yearPresident, exempt the holders newedmaynby filled from three three appointedonescholarsVacancies inleast mayas the Committee on committee Grigsby, incidental, and maintain be September of eachO n thisin scholarships shall be goodscholarships and shall to in the an be re6. A periodof M r s B annual by matriculation, for regulations fees. motion assignment of these known
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