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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1930 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

io2 board of trustees [January 9 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING, JANUARY 9, 1929 The Secretary presented for record a minute of a meeting of the Executive Committee. EMPLOYMENT OF HOLABIRD AND ROOT FOR STADIUM AND SKATING RINK PLANS O n recommendation of the President of the University, made at the request of Director George Huff and Professor J. M . White, members of the Executive Committee individually approved the employment of Holabird and Root as architects for the skating rink plans and the plans for the replacement of the wooden seats at the south end of the Stadium with concrete seats. At a meeting held January 9, 1929, at 9 a.m. in Chicago, the Executive Committee in session confirmed the individual actions of its members authorizing the employment of Holabird and Root as architects for the skating rink and the south stand of the Stadium. James W . Armstrong, Chairman Laura B. Evans Merle J. Trees H. E. Cunningham Clerk MATTERS PRESENTED BY PRESIDENT KINLEY The Board considered the following matters presented by the President of the University. QUARTERLY REPORT OF THE COMPTROLLER (1) The report of the Comptroller for the quarter ending December 31, 1928. SUMMARY Reserve and Contingent Fund The unappropriated balance of the Reserve and Contingent Fund (estimated excess of income of the year over appropriations) at the beginning of the quarter was $215,605. Net deductions during the quarter totalled $87,064, as per Schedule A, leaving a balance of $128,541 in the Reserve and Contingent Fund at the close of the quarter. The balance at the corresponding date a year ago was $226,001. Budget Income Realization of the budget income for the six months ending with the present quarter, as per Schedule B, was as follows: Per Cent of Year's Estimate Realized Estimate This Same Date For Year Year Last Year State Appropriations for Operation (per cent realized represents portion expended to December 31,1928) $4 500 000 54.0 51.5 FederalFunds 438075 51.6 54.1 StudentFees 850000 51.7 51.3 Agricultural Sales Credited to Revolving Accounts 124 860 54.3 49.4 Credited to Agricultural Income 131 700 61.6 64.7 Miscellaneous Sales and Receipts 90 000 48.1 53.5 Treasurer's Balance The balance in all funds in the hands of the University Treasurer at the close of the quarter, allowing for outstanding warrants, was $1,063,959, Schedule D. O n the corresponding date a year ago, the balance was $929,038.
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