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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

614 BOARD OF T R U S T E E S Urbana, cont'd cost-plus contract, air conditioning work, 244, 566 asbestos abatement, 277 electrical work, 244, 566 excavating, grading, and hauling, 565 general work, 243, 566 heating work, 244, 566 insulation work, 244, 566 piping work, 244, 566 plastering work, 244, 566 plumbing work, 243, 566 refrigeration work, 244, 566 ventilation work, 244, 566 degree, Bachelor of Arts in the Teaching of French, revised, 288 Bachelor of Science in Ceramic Engineering, consolidation, 496 Bachelor of Science in Home Economics Education, discontinued, 308 Bachelor of Science in Materials Science and Engineering, designated, 496 Bachelor of Science in Media Studies, internal transfer of administration, 572 Bachelor of Science in Metallurgical Engineering, consolidation, 496 Bachelor or Science in Radio and Television, discontinued, 307 Bachelor of Science in Soil Science, discontinued, 308 Bachelor of Social Work, discontinued, 497 Doctor of Philosophy in Mining Engineering, discontinued, 270 Doctor of Psychology, discontinued, 390 Master of Arts in Russian and East European Studies, established, 141 Master of Public Administration, discontinued, 390 Master of Science in Mining Engineering, discontinued, 270 Master of Science in Public Health in Community Health, name corrected, 573 Master of Science in Radio and Television, discontinued, 307 degrees, conferred, 71, 97, 152, 291, 359, 405, 454, 577 honorary, 171, 387, 445, 487, 529 housing, University-operated, rates for 1993-94 academic vear, 199 rates for 1994-95 academic year, 494 Krannert Center fee, implementation, 194 referendum, 194 Latino students, hearing regarding treatment during demonstrations, attended by senators, 98 new disciplinary procedure for students developed by Senate, report, 367 newspaper articles, 5 priorities identified by students, 481 student discipline procedures, review of, 134 student fees, Fiscal Year 1994, 198 Fiscal Year 1995, 492 increases, discussion of, 462 student government fee, referendum supporting continuation, 194 students, undergraduate, housing regulations, review of policy, 262 students' concerns about safety on campus, 105 summer session, budget, 188, 505 tuition, Architecture, School of, differential, established, 196 Art and Design, School of, differential, established, 196 Chemical Sciences, School of, differential for units, established, 196 Fiscal Year 1994, 197 Fiscal Year 1995, 337 Life Sciences, School of, differential for units, established, 196 undergraduate housing policy, meeting regarding 30-hour rule, 365 Urology, Department of (Chicago campus), lease of space for infertility program, 375 Union, cont'd Illinois Nurses Association, complaint filed with the Illinois Education Labor Relations Board, 441 negotiations, report, 185, 441 Service Employees International Union, negotiations with University, 335, 441 Unions, collective bargaining agreements, procedures for negotiating, report, 481 United States Air Force, closing of Chanute Air Force Base, University's acquisition of buildings and land, 67 United States Army, Corps of Engineers, Construction Engineering Research Laboratory, lease agreement, amendment, 355 United States Department of Education, grant, renovation of materials research facilities (Urbana), 179 University counsel, election, 132, 412 litigation, Barry v. Gross, settlement, 364 Caldwell v. Crowell, settlement, 357 Cedeno v. Koler, settlement, 480, 504 Flowers, Jarvis, settlement, 161 Gleasman v. Gallant, settlement, 75, 97 Hagl v. Deutsch, settlement, 184, 223 Harrison v. Spencer, settlement, 364, 411, 432 Illinois Power, settlement, 511, 527 Lopez case, settlement, 512, 528 Muganda v. Watkins, settlement, 227, 247 Nunez v. Ratanaproek, settlement, 358 Swanstrom v. Scnoen, settlement, 41, 69 Vallejo v. University of Illinois Hospital, settlement, 357 Wadley, M. E., settlement, 41, 70 Woodnull v. Donahue, settlement, 41, 69 report, Aratex Company, possible litigation, 460 Circle Court shopping center, vacation of tenant, possible litigation, 460 cleaning of hazardous waste site in Kentucky, settlement, 103 complaint filed by Haney, M., against use of Chief Uliniwek, dismissed, 460 complaint filed with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, possible settlement, 441 Corpuz, C., case remanded to State Universities Civil Service Merit Board, 460 Haney, M., possible suit against University for use of Chief Uliniwek, 163 infant born with brachioplexus palsy, pending litigation, 184 Ladien, Kimball, case, 98 Nunez v. Ratanaproek, 296 suit filed by Winston Smart, 227 University Hospital Consortium purchasing program, University's participation, 210 University Senates Conference, presentation to the board, concerning membership and activities, 356 report from chair, 463 review of University Statutes, 356 University Square (Chicago campus), contract, site development, architectural services, 569 engineering services, 569 Urban Design Associates, contract, 284 Urban Planning and Policy, School of (Chicago campus), redesignated, 520 transfer of Urban Transportation Center, 446 Urban Planning and Public Affairs, College of (Chicago campus), established, 520 Urban Studies, College of (Chicago campus), established, 458 Urban Transportation Center (Chicago campus), lease of office space, 221 transfer to School of Urban Planning and Policy, Urbana, academic staff, promotions, 11, 305 asbestos abatement, withdrawal of bid, 277 baccalaureate programs, general education requirements, revision, report, 329 campus grading system, modification, 328 complaints of alleged discrimination and harassment, policy and procedures, 393
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