UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 [PAGE 627]

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Uselding, P. J., presentation to Academic Affairs Committee, graduate business education, 413 Utility Center (Chicago campus), contract, cooling system chiller, repairs, 224 Utility systems, contracts, Urbana, Engineering Quadrangle, demolition and relocation of steam tunnel, ?15, 275 Utilization Management plan, Hospital, University, revised, 143 VALIC, participant in tax-deferred retirement plan, VOA Associates, Inc., contract, 147, 499, 524 amended, 94 increase, 322 Vakakis, A. F., member of Center for Advanced Study, 486 Vallejo litigation, settlement, 357 Van Breemen, R. B., appointment, 489 Van Buren Street (Chicago), property at 815 West, lease, 325 property at 910 West, lease of space, 150 termination, 65 property at 1033 West, inaccurately identified as 1001 West, 221 lease, 246 renewal, 221 Van Doren Residence Hall (Champaign), contract, common area improvements, air conditioning work, 218 electrical work, 219 general work, 218 plumbing work, 218 ventilation work, 218 emergency generators, architectural services, engineering services, 354 Van Erden, D., member of advisory board, 303 Van Harlingen, D. J., member of Center for Advanced JJtudy, 417 Van Namen, I., member of advisory committee, 7 301 Van Poucke, R., member of advisory committee, Van Ru Credit Corp., contract, 560 Vanka, S., appointment, 53 Vanrooyen, M. J., appointment, 389 Vardy, A., appointment, 390 Varelas, M., appointment, 371 Variable Annuity Life Insurance Company, See VALIC Varis, A. S., member of advisory board, 303 Ventilation work, contract, Champaign, Biaxial Shock Test Machine Building, office addition, 530 Gerty Drive Building, 241 Intramural-Physical Education Building, front entrance renovation, 214 Taft/Van Doren Residence Halls, common area improvements, 218 Chicago campus, Associated Health Professions Building, 321 Clinical Sciences Building, 148 remodeling, 112 remodeling laboratories, 211 Edelstone, Sigmund E., Medical Student Center, 89 Hospital, University, surgicenter, 564 parking structure no. 1, remodel ground K floor, 62 * Science and Engineering South, 91 Springfield, Cooperative Extension Service offices, 20 Urbana, Adams, Roger, Laboratory, remodeling, 250 Bioacoustics Research Laboratory, 93 bookstore and office building, 176 increase, 401 Buell, Temple Hoyne, Hall, 144 Environmental and Agricultural Sciences Building, 92 Gregory Hall, remodeling classrooms, 471 Illini Union, patio enclosure, 319 warehouse, 252


Ventilation work, cont'd Lincoln Avenue Residence Halls, dining rooms air conditioning, 216 Materials Research Facilities, renovation, 567 Materials Science and Engineering Instructional Laboratories, 253 Mechanical Engineering Laboratory IIA, remodeling, 399 Natural History Building, 242 ainting facility, 424 ublic Safety Building, 251 cost-plus contract, minor building alterations, repairs, and new construction, Chicago campus, 278 Urbana, 244, 566 Verdooren, W. H., appointment, 372 Veterinary Medicine, College of (Urbana), degrees, conferred, 292, 577, 578 Vice chancellor for academic affairs (Urbana), interim, appointment, 135 Vice chancellor for academic affairs, Office of (Chicago campus), staff member assigned to another office, 185 Vice chancellor for administration and human resources (Chicago campus), appointment, 340 Vice chancellor for administration and human resources (Urbana), appointment, 552 Vice chancellor for research (Chicago campus), appointment, 191 Vice chancellor for research (Urbana), appointment, 48 Vice Chancellor for Research, Office of (Chicago campus), transfer of Urban Transportation Center, 446 Vice chancellor for student affairs (Urbana), resignation, 542 Vice president for academic affairs, appointment, 5al position opening, 335 search, candidate interviewed, 538 search committee, report from chair, 460 Viking Plumbing 8c Heating, Inc., contract, 253 Virginia Slims tennis tournament, 442 Vocational home economics education (Urbana), curriculum, discontinued, 308 Vollintine, R. L., Construction, Inc., contract, 21 Voss, J., member of advisory committee, 7 Vrba, P. D., appointment, 11


W. Commercial Builders, Inc., contract, 214, 218, 242, 253, 425 increase, 404 WILL Communications Building (Urbana), contract, architectural services, 524 engineering services, 524 WILL television studio, gift for new facility, 364 Wade, J. B., appointment, 193 Wadley, M. E., litigation, settlement, 41, 70 Wagner, R., member of advisory committee, 8, 300, 302 Waiver of University purchasing rules, 356, 400, 429, 501, 526 Walcott-McQuigg, J. A., appointment, 389 Wall, B. T , electee! treasurer of board, 132 tribute in appreciation of services, 550 Walton and Associates, Architects, contract, 451 Wang, C , appointment, 389, 554 Ware Associates, contract, 570 Warman Olsen Warman, Ltd., contract, 402, 569 Warner, J., IV, member of advisory committee, 7 Warner, R. E., appointment, 305 Washington Street (Springfield), property at 2815 West, lease, 571 Watkins, R. V, appointment, 345 Watts, E., presentation to the board, concerning operations and activities of Urbana-Champaign Senate Council, 77, 367 Weaver, S., attendance at hearing regarding treatment of Latino students (Urbana) during demonstrations, 98 Weber, R. J., appointment, 343 Wedgeworth, R., appointment, 387 chair of search committee, report to board, 460