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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Teacher Education, cont'd teaching education minor in accountancy for non-commerce majors, eliminated, 255 Teachers Insurance & Annuity Association/College Retirement Equities Fund (TIAA-CREF), participant in tax-deferred retirement plan, Teachers' Retirement System Building (Springfield), lease of space, 571, Teaching nursing home (Chicago campus), ground lease with Amvets Health Facility Corporation, 452 Tekian, A. S., appointment, 516 Telecollections system (Chicago campus), Hospital Patient Accounts Department, 274, 561 Telecommunication system, contract, Urbana, Grainger Engineering Library Information Center, 145 Telecomputer Systems, Inc., contract, 274, 561 Teleplus, Inc., contract, 145 increase, 358 Television studio (Urbana), gift for new facility, 364 Temperature control work, contract, Champaign, Biaxial Shock Test Machine Building, office addition, 530 Gerty Drive Building, 241 Chicago campus, Clinical Sciences Building, remodeling, 112 remodeling laboratories, 211 Edelstone, Sigmund E., Medical Student Center, 89 Hospital, University, surgicenter, 564 parking structure no. 1, remodel ground P floor, 62 * Science and Engineering South, 90 Student Residence and Commons, increase, 245 Urbana, Adams, Roger, Laboratory, remodeling, 250 Bioacoustics Research Laboratory, 93 bookstore and office building, 147 increase, 401 Buell, Temple Hoyne, Hall, 144 Environmental and Agricultural Sciences Building, 92 Gregory Hall, remodeling classrooms, 471 Materials Research Facilities, renovation, 567 Materials Science and Engineering Instructional Laboratories, 253 Mechanical Engineering Laboratory IIA, remodeling, 3 9 9 painting facility, 424 Temperature controls, contract, Urbana, Buell, Temple Hoyne, Hall, 145 Teng Associates, contract, 428 Territo, C , appointment, 389 Theater (Chicago campus), Bachelor of Arts degree, dance option, transferred, 140 transferred to Department of Performing Arts, Theis, S. L. undergraduate instructional award, Silver Circle, 234 Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Department of (Urbana), head, appointment, 136 Therapy Network Resources, contract, 316, 559 Thomas, H., presentation to Academic Affairs Committee graduate business education, 413 Thomas, J. A., appointment, 467 Thompson, M. M., elected secretary of board, 132, Thorkildsen, T. A., appointment, 11 Thorn, C. E., appointment, 488 Thoroddsen, S. T , appointment, 489 Thresholds Rehabilitation, Inc., contract, 280, 562 Thurston, R., member of advisory committee, 300 Tiber Group, contract, 422 Tile Specialists, Inc., contract, increase, 358 Tine, M., appointment, 372 Todd, R. K., appointment, 193 Torrellas, J., appointment, 109 Towne, H. L., member of advisory committee, 7 Transfer students, Chicago campus, admission requirements, revised, T>33 613 Treasurer of board, authority to receive moneys, 166 bond, amount, 166 election, 132 resignation, 550 Treat Brothers Company, contract, increase, 358 Trevino, L. H. member of advisory board, 264 Tri-R Construction Company, contract, 23 Tri-R Development Company, 63, 399, 424 withdrawal of bid, 425 Tribute, appreciation of services, Doebel, P. J., 106 Downey, D.J., 106 Duncan, E. J., 463 Edelman, D., 106 Green, I. F., 76 Henson, L. R., 187 Shepherd, N. T , 107 Wall, B. T , 550 Weir, M. W., 262 Wicklund, R. C , 484 Trinity Hospital (Chicago), See EHS Health Care, Inc. Troyer, A. F., member of advisory committee, 7 Troyer Group, contract, 402 Tuition, all campuses, 1993-94 academic year, 164 discussion of, 164 discussion of differentials for certain disciplines, 164 possible acceleration of schedule for approval of levels, 368 refund policy, amended, 234 Chicago campus, business administration, master's degree, increase, 492 Doctor ofrharmacy program, increase, 196 Fiscal Year 1994, 197 Fiscal Year 1995, 337 Pharmacy, College of, Continuing Curriculum Option program, increase, 196 differential rate, lower and upper division, phaseout, 337 Urbana, Architecture, School of, differential, established, 196 Art and Design, School of, differential, established, 196 business administration, master's degree, increase, 492 Chemical Sciences, School of, differential for unit, established, 196 Executive Master of Business Administration, increase, 490 extramural courses, differential rates, increases, 491 Fiscal Year 1994, 197 Fiscal Year 1995, 337 International Accounting, Program in, increase, 490 Life Sciences, School of, differential for units, established, 196 Music, School of, differential, established, 196 Policy Economics, Program in, increase, 490 Tumanov, A. E., appointment, 52, 345 Turner Hall (Urbana), contract, HVAC improvements, 451 Turnock, B.J., appointment, 49 Twentieth Century Investors, Inc., participant in tax-deferred retirement plan, 237 U of I Advancement Fund, See Advancement Fund, U of I UIC Award for Excellence in Teaching (Chicago campus), 306 UNUM, participant in tax-deferred retirement plan, 237 UNUM Life Insurance of America, See UNUM Ucker, D. S., appointment, 489 Ullman, S. E., appointment, 371 Undergraduate instructional awards, Chicago camus, 517 ilver Circle, 233 Urbana, 193 Union, American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), negotiations, 39, 98, 104, 127 g
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