UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 [PAGE 624]

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Student Welfare and Activities Committee, meeting, report on University's housing policy, 365 members, 168 Student/Staff Apartments (Urbana), See GoodwinGreen Apartments (Urbana) Students, all campuses, refund policy, amended, Chicago campus, presentation to Student Affairs Committee, list of priorities, 481 problems with Illinois Student Assistance Commission, 105 transfer, admission requirements, revised, 533 regulations for defining residency, revised, 307 Urbana, bus service, referendum, 198 concerns regarding safety on campus, 105 Latino, hearing regarding treatment during demonstration attended by senators, 98 new disciplinary procedure developed by Senate, report, 367 presentation to Student Affairs Committee, list of priorities, 481 referendum for reduced ticket prices at Kxannert Center, 105 undergraduate, housing regulations, review of policy, 262 University certified housing requirement, meeting regarding University's policy, 365 Stukel, J. J., salary, change, 260 Stults, L., member of advisory committee, 7 Sturdi-Built Corporation, contract, 113, 146 Sturges, D. K., appointment, 80 Suh, Y. S., appointment, 344 Sukhatme, U. P., appointment, 136 Summer session, budget, Chicago campus, 188, Urbana, 188, 505 Superconductivity facility (Urbana), See Science and Technology Center for Superconductivity Surgery, Department of (Chicago campus), head, appointment, 231 Surgicenter (Chicago campus), contract, architectural services, 402 engineering services, 402 See Hospital, University Survey Research Laboratory (Chicago campus), lease of space, 65, 150 recision, 150 termination, 65 Swanstrom litigation, settlement, 41, 69 Sweedler, J. V., member of Center for Advanced Study, 190 Swim team, men's (Urbana), discontinuance, 229 T'nT Mechanical Contractors, Inc., contract, 175, 242, 252, 471 Taber, J. E., appointment, 52 Taft Residence Hall (Champaign), contract, common area improvements, air conditioning work, electrical work, 219 general work, 218 plumbing work, 218 ventilation work, 218 emergency generators, architectural services, engineering services, 354 Taft/Van Doren Residence Halls (Champaign), contract, emergency generators installation, 472 Tanner, R., member of advisory committee, 7 Tartar, B., Jr., member of advisory committee, 301 Tax-Deferred Retirement Plan, addition of insurance and investment companies, 237 discontinuance of certain programs in insurance and investment companies, 237 document governing administration of, adopted, Taylor, B., honorary degree, 387 Taylor, C. E., appointment, 372 Taylor, P. J., member of advisory committee, 7 Teacher Education, Council on (Urbana), teacher education minor in health education, discontinued, 404

Staff, cont'd Urbana, Medicine, College of, 53, 378 retired academic, sick leave benefits, amendment to General Rules, 345 Tax-Deferred Retirement Plan, 236 Urbana campus, responsibility assigned to associate vice president for administration and human resources, 162 Stanford, E. J., appointment, 389 Stanley, Morgan, & Co., Incorporated, senior managing underwriter, Series 1993 Revenue Bonds, 2$7 Stanley Consultants, Inc., contract, 221 Star, S. L., appointment, 81 State Police Forensic Science Laboratory (Chicago), intergovernmental agreement, 433 State Universities Retirement System, Board of Trustees, University representatives, 167, 444 report, pending legislation concerning funding the unfunded liability, 480 State Universities Retirement System facility, acquisition by University, 26 Statistical methodology for business and quality management specialization (Chicago campus), established, 254 Statutes, University, amendments, 81,201, 309, 520 review by University Senates Conference, 356 Steam Plant (Chicago campus), condensate return polishers, purchase and installation, 359 Steam tunnel (Champaign), contract, architectural services, 245 engineering services, 245 contracts, Sixth Street project, 472 Steam tunnel (Urbana), contracts, Engineering Quadrangle, demolition and relocation, 215, Stern Corporation, contract, 564 Stewart, C., member of advisory committee, 301, 302 Stoewe, J. K., appointment, 419 Stofflett, R. T , appointment, 344 Stone, D. E., appointment, 52 Storage building (Urbana), Wright Street (extended), contract, general work, 146 Strahilevitz, M. A., appointment, 344 Strauss, P. D., appointment, 390 Strobel, M. A., UIC Award for Excellence in Teaching, 306 Strom, G. S., appointment, 49 Student Affairs Committee, meeting, 461, 481 members, 443 Student discipline procedures (Urbana), development of new procedure by Senate, report, 3o7 review of, 134 Student fees, See Fees Student government fee, Urbana, referendum supporting continuation, 194 Student Residence and Commons (Chicago campus), contract, addition, general work, increase, 148, 177 heating work, increase, 245 piping work, increase, 245 refrigeration work, increase, 245 temperature control work, increase, 245 Student Services Building (Chicago campus), contract, architectural services, increase, 282, 400 asbestos abatement work, 318 asbestos removal, increase, 426 engineering services, increase, 282, 400 general work, 398 parking deck renovation, general work, 249 interior furnishing, fixtures and equipment, architectural services, 353 engineering services, 353 parking deck renovation, comptroller's authority to award contract, 212 waiver of University purchasing rules, 356 See also Circle Court shopping center Student trustees, appreciation certificates, 260, 550 installation, 5, 298 reports to board, 169 selection, report, 230, 533