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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
UNIVERSITY OF Sims, M., undergraduate instructional award, 194 Singleton, J. L., appointment, 372 Site work, contract, Urbana, Grainger Engineering Library Information Center, F45 Hermitage Mall (Chicago), 18 Sivakumar, K., appointment, 80 Sixth Street steam tunnel (Champaign), contract, architectural services, 473 electrical work, 472 engineering services, 473 general work, 472 heating work, 472 plumbing work, 472 withdrawal of bid, 473 See also Steam tunnel (Champaign) Slack, R. G., appointment, 419 Slauch, J. M., appointment, 467 Slaughter, M. H., appointment to Athletic Board, Slavic and Baltic Languages and Literatures, Department of (Chicago campus), degree, Bachelor of Arts in the Teaching of Polish, discontinued, 268 head, appointment, 369 Sligar, S. G., appointment, 488 Slivinski, M. P., appointment, 487 Small Homes Council (Urbana), transferred to School of Architecture, 172 Smart, W., suit filed regarding alleged discrimination, report, 227 Smith, E. E., appointment, 371 Smith, K. T., member of advisory committee, 301 Smith, R. E., member of advisory committee, 7, 301 Smith Mitchell Investment Group, Inc., assistance in marketing Series 1993 Revenue Bond issue, 8 238 Smith-Sebasto, N. J., appointment, 372 Social Work, jane Addams College of (Chicago campus), degrees, conferred, 289, 291, 575, receipt of health social work faculty and staff, Social Work, School of (Urbana), acting dean, appointment, 135 Bachelor of Social Work, discontinued, 497 degrees, conferred, 153, 292, 360, 455, 578 evaluation of program, 105 Sodemann and Associates, Inc., contract, 502 SofFer, O., appointment, 369 Soil science (Urbana), Bachelor of Science degree, discontinued, 308 Solomon, R., member of advisory board, 48 Solomon, Cordwell, Buenz 8c Associates, Inc., contract, 149, 353 increase, 282, 400 Sorensen, A. A., member of advisory committee, 300 Sorlie, W. E., leave of absence, 516 Sousa, R. W., appointment, 418 South Africa, investments, University's policy, amendment, 386 report on possible changes, 367 South Water Market (Chicago), possible lease, 460 South Water Market Association, lease agreement, 530 * not executed, 530 Southern Illinois/Dixon Springs Agricultural Center, See Dixon Springs Agricultural Center/ Southern Illinois Southwest Plumbing, contract, 148 Spanish, French, Italian, and Portuguese, Department of (Chicago campus), designated, 141 Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese, Department of (Chicago campus), Bachelor of Arts in the Teaching of Italian, eliminated, 141 consolidation with Department of French, 141 Spanish, Italian, and Portuguese, Department of (Urbana), head, appointment, 418 Sparks, G., member of advisory board, 303 Specialized Care for Children, Division of, advisory board, appointments, 263, 487 ILLINOIS 611 Specialized Care for Children, cont'd lease, Darien, property at 8205 South Cass Avenue, 326 Springfield, property at 2815 West Washington Street, 571 Spectrum Health Services, contract, 314 Spelman, I. J., appointment, 389 Spencer, G. K., member of advisory committee, 301 Sperberg-McQueen, M., member of Institute for the Humanities, 486 Sprinkler system work, contract, Chicago campus, Clinical Sciences Building, remodeling laboratories, 211 Urbana, bookstore and office building, 147 increase, 401 Environmental and Agricultural Sciences Building, 92 Ulini Union, patio enclosure, 320 Sreenivas, R. S., appointment, 81 Staar, Frank, & Sons, Inc., cost-plus contract, 19 Staff, academic, all campuses, budget for Fiscal Year 1993, approved, 47 budget for Fiscal Year 1994, approved, 339 promotions, 11, 305 early retirement agreements, president of University authorized to negotiate, 258 reemployment agreements for retirees, president of University authorized to negotiate, 283 academic professional, report, review process for position, 481 review of, 463 administrative, also hold faculty appointments, guidelines for establishing salaries, 185 general guidelines for establishing salaries, discussion, 185 reassignment and change of duties and salary, policy affirmed by Board of Trustees, 309 report, 259 representation of minorities, Trustee Lopez's concerns, 542 all campuses, early retirement programs, report to Committee of the Whole, 40 athletic department personnel, associate director of athletics, special employment conditions, multi-year contract, 10 central administration, responsibility assigned to associate vice president for administration and human resources, 162 Chicago campus, Hospital, University, training by consultants from University of Michigan Medical Center, 546, 559 Civil Service employees, revision of Policy and Rules—Nonacademic, Policy 10—Sick Leave, 498 Policy 16—Conduct and Discipline, 347 nonacademic, all campuses, Policy and Rules— Nonacademic, revision, 15 early retirement agreements, president of University authorized to negotiate, 258 reemployment agreements for retirees, president of University authorized to negotiate, 283 nonsalaried clinical, Chicago campus, Architecture, Art, and Urban Planning, College of, h 53, 376 * Associated Health Professions, College of, 53, 376 Dentistry, College of, 53, 376 Developmental Disabilities, Institute for the Study of, 53, 378 Education, College of, 53, 376 Engineering, College of, 53, 376 Liberal Arts and Sciences, College of, 53, 8 377 Library, 53, 378 Medicine, College of, 53, 377 Military Science, Program in, 53, 378 Nursing, College of, 53, 378 Pharmacy, College of, 53, 378 Public Health, School of, 53, 378 Peoria, Medicine, College of, 53, 377 Rockford, Medicine, College of, 53, 378
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