UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 [PAGE 622]

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Science and Engineering South, cont'd ventilation work, 91 energy conservation project, contract, engineering services, 325 Science and Engineering South Building (Chicago campus), contract, interior signage, guidelines and system, architectural services, 428 engineering services, 428 Science and Technology Center for Superconductivity (Urbana), supplemental funding, 374, Sciences and Letters Curriculum (Urbana), general education requirements, revised, 532 Scoccia, H., appointment, 554 Scoreboards and marquee, contract, Assembly Hall, amended, 317 Scott, L. M., appointment, 53 Scudder, Stevens and Clark, contract, 16 Searing, J. F., appointment, 80 Secretary of board, election, 132, 412 report, 34, 71, 97, 122, 152, 181, 224, 255, 288, 330, 359, 379, 405, 436, 454, 477, 505, 534, 573 signature, delegation, 167, 412 Security Programs, Office of (Chicago campus), lease of office space, 246 Security system, Airport, University of Illinois— Willard, contract, 379 Sehitoglu, H., member of Center for Advanced Study, 139 Seitz, Frederick, Materials Research Laboratory (Urbana), designated, 12 Selen, M. A., appointment, 232 Selig, M. S., appointment, 53 Selker, L. G., appointment, 265 Senate (Chicago campus), presentation to board concerning operations and activities, 43, 384 president's report on actions, 33, 151, 254, 474, Senate (Urbana), bylaws, changes, 14, 309 constitution, amendments, 14 discontinuation of academic units, procedure for reviewing, report, 367 presentation to the board concerning operations and activities, 77, 367 president's report on actions, 33, 121, 151, 180, 254, 287, 328, 329, 404, 434, 532, 572 report, general education requirements for graduation, 509 student disciplinary procedure, development of, 367 Service Employees International Union, negotiations with University, 335 report, 185, 441 settlement of agreement, 414 ServiceMaster, contract, 350 Severns, W., member of advisory committee, 7, 8 Severns, Reid & Associates, Inc., contract, 92, 114, 502 increase, 320 Shankar, S., appointment, 81 Shaughnessy, R. A., appointment, 370 Shaw, B., honorary degree, 191 Shaw Electric, contract, 112, 211 Shay, N. F., appointment, 138 Shearer, C. A., appointment, 388 Shearl, J., member of advisory committee, 8, 301 Shelton, L. M., appointment, 371 Shepherd, N. T , appreciation of services, 107 Sherman Residence Hall (Champaign), contract, window replacement, 23 Sherrick, B. J., member of Center for Advanced Study, 485 Shinew, K. J., appointment, 344 Shock Test Building (Champaign), remodeling of and addition to, 355 Shockey, D. D., member of advisory committee, 300 Shuler, J. A., appointment, 343 Sick leave benefits, retired academic staff, amendment to General Rules, 345 Siegel, E. G., appointment, 389 Silver Circle Award, See Undergraduate instructional awards

Ruyle Corporation, contract, 244, 566 Rynne Marketing Group, contract, 420 Rypins, E. B., appointment, 52 S & R Engineering, inc., contract, 354 Sabbaticalleaves, See Leaves of absence, sabbatical Sable Electric Co., contract, 90, 91 Sadowski, A. J., member of advisory board, 48 Saeed, S. A., appointment, 11 St. Charles Horticultural Research Center, advisory committee, appointments, 7, 301 St. Francis Church (Chicago), no acquisition by University, 460 St. Francis Hospital Medical Center, contract, 239, 499 St. Joseph Township, timberland named CCDCCollins Memorial Woods, 57 St. Ledger, K., member of advisory committee, St. Mary's Cemetery (Champaign), 24 St. Mary's Road (Champaign), acquisition and easement, 24 Saint Mary's Roman Catholic Congregation of Champaign Illinois, sale of land and easement, St. Paul Insurance, 161 Sala, B. R., appointment, 372 Salancik, G. R., appointment, 341 Salaries, administrators, guidelines for establishing, discussion, 185 reassignment and change of duties, policy affirmed by Board or Trustees, 309 report, 259 administrators who also hold faculty appointments, guidelines for establishing, discussion, 18§ University employees, resolution concerning parity, 44, 77 Salary, chancellor (Chicago campus), 2 change, 260 chancellor (Urbana), 2 increased to purchase personal disability insurance, 228 president of University, 2, 461 increase, 544 Salary Annuity Option Program, renamed TaxDeferred Retirement Plan, 236 Sallee, R. K., member of advisory committee, 301 Saltzberg, T., member of advisory board, 48, 303 Sameh, A. H., appointment, 53 Sandberg, P. A., undergraduate instructional award, Sangamon State University, possible transfer to university of Illinois system, report, 165 Sangamon Street Building (Chicago campus), energy conservation project, contract, engineering services, recision of board action, 373 Sattler, T. P., undergraduate instructional award, Silver Circle, 234 Schacht, R. L., appointment, 466 Schaeffer, D. J., appointment, 53 Schatz, B. R., appointment, 232 Scheibel, L. W., appointment, 554 Schindler Elevator Corporation, contract, 283 increase, 427 Schmidt, M. L., appointment, 109 Schmidt, Garden & Erikson, Inc., contract, 178 Schneider, A. B., appointment, 264 Schneider, D. W., appointment, 53 Schrepfer, T. C , appointment, 515 Schroeder, W. A., appointment, 370 Science and Engineering Laboratories (Chicago campus), contract, remodel for Electronic Visualization Laboratory, 284 remodel laboratories, 284 energy conservation project, contract, engineering services, 325 Science and Engineering South (Chicago campus), contract, electrical work, 91 general work, 90 heating work, 90 plumbing work, 90 refrigeration work, 90 temperature control work, 90