UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 [PAGE 621]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992
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Reese, J. R., cont'd remarks concerning appearances before the board, 464 Reese, Michael, Hospital and Medical Center, affiliation agreements, assigned to Humana Hospital Illinois, Inc., 118 contract, 316, 558 Reese, Michael, North/Nathan Cummings Outpatient Center, See Galen Hospital Illinois, Inc. Reeser, L. N., member of advisory committee, 301 Refrigeration work, contract, Champaign, Biaxial Shock Test Machine Building, office addition, 530 * Gerty Drive Building, 241 Chicago campus, Clinical Sciences Building, remodeling, 112 remodeling laboratories, 211 Edelstone, Sigmund E., Medical Student Center, 89 Hospital, University, surgicenter, 564 parking structure no. I, remodel 8 ground F floor, 62 Science and Engineering South, 90 Student Residence and Commons, increase, 245 Urbana, Adams, Roger, Laboratory, remodeling, 250 Bioacoustics Research Laboratory, 93 bookstore and office building, 147 increase, 401 Buell, Temple Hoyne, Hall, 144 Environmental and Agricultural Sciences Building, 92 Gregory Hall, remodelinjg classrooms, 471 Materials Research Facilities, renovation, 567 Materials Science and Engineering Instructional Laboratories, 253 Mechanical Engineering Laboratory 11 A, remodeling, ^ 9 9 painting facility, 424 cost-plus contract, Urbana, 244, 566 Refund policy, student tuition, fees, room, and board, amended, 234 Regional Organ Bank of Illinois (ROBI), contract, Rehabilitation Center (Urbana), contract, basement remodeling, 4D1 Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago, payment for care of Min Qin, 498 Reliable Building Annex (Chicago), inadvertently identified as 1001 West Van Buren Street, 221 lease of space, 246 renewal, 221 Reliable Corporation, lease agreement, 246 renewal, 221 Reliable Plumbing & Heating Company, contract, 144, 147, 176, 215, 217? 241, 243, 244, 250, 251,471,472,566 increase, 401 Remco Electric Corporation, contract, 93, 251, 320, 472 Report card, 463 Resek, R. W., leaving position of vice president for academic affairs, 335 Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC), equipment and supplies, bond tor care and safeguarding, 58 Residency program, emergency medicine, authorization of payments, Fiscal Year 1993, 209 Fiscal Year 1994, 209 Fiscal Year 1995, 209 Residency status, revision of regulations, 307 Residency training, possible affiliation with EHS Care, Inc., 260 Retirees, reemployment agreements, president authorized to negotiate, 283 Retirement agreements (early), president of University authorized to negotiate with faculty and staff, 258 Retirement plan, tax-deferred, See Tax-Deferred Retirement Plan Retreat, Board of Trustees, 296


Revenue bonds, Series 1985A, escrow agent, resignation, 208 successor escrow agent, 208 See also Bonds Reynolds, R. W., appointment to Athletic Board, Rhodes, B. L., member of advisory committee, 301 Rice Building (Chicago), lease of space, 325 Rich, L. S., leave of absence, 233 canceled, 233 Ridolfi, R. J., Co., Inc., contract, 90 Riley, P., elected student trustee, 230 presentation to Committee on Student Affairs, priorities identified by Chicago campus students, 461 installation, 298 Risser Electric, Inc., contract, 145 River City Construction Company, contract, 31 increase, 95 Rivier, D. H., appointment, 232 Robbennolt, L., member of Center for Advanced Study, 190 Roberts, S., appointment, 554 Robinson, I. K., appointment, 80 Robinson, S. K., undergraduate instructional award, Silver Circle, 234 Rocek, E., undergraduate instructional award, 518 Rocek, J., appointment, 191 Rocha-Singn, I., appointment, 372 Rodine, M. K., appointment, 446 Rodman 8c Rensnaw, Inc., assistance in marketing Series 1993 Revenue Bond issue, 238 Rodolfo, K. S., undergraduate instructional award, B 518 Rodriguez, A., presentation to the board, concerning recruitment and retention of Native American students and staff, 508 Roehl, T. W., appointment, 53 Roessler Construction Company, contract, 21,217 increase, 328 withdrawal of bid, 216 Rogers, J. R., member of Board of Examiners in Accountancy, 416 Roofing work, contract, Champaign, Weston Residence Hall, 240 Urbana, Orchard Downs Apartments, 22, 240 cost-plus contract, Chicago campus, 19, 317 not renewed, 278 Roosevelt Road (Chicago), acquisition of land by University, report, 334, 459 Intergovernmental Agreement with City of Chicago, 529 property at 1901-1953 West, transferred to Illinois Department of Central Management Services, 433 public hearing regarding acquisition of land by University, 364 Roosevelt Road Building (Chicago campus), contract, remodeling second floor, electrical work, general work, 111 uninterruptible power system installation, electrical work, increase, 427 Rosa, J. A., appointment, 138 Rose, T. C , elected student trustee, 533 Rosenbaum, E., appointment, 171 Rosett, J. G., appointment, 264 Rosner, F., appointment, 193 Rotmensch, S., appointment, 171 Rowan, J. K., appointment, 489 Roy-Fequiere, M. M., appointment, 81 Rubman, S., appointment, 79 Rudnick, R., and Company, contract, increase, 63 Ruoff, G. W., presentation to board concerning operations and activities of Senate (Chicago campus), 384 Rush-Presbyterian-St. Luke's Medical Center, cooperative planning agreement, Hermitage Mall site improvements, 18 Russian and East European Studies (Urbana), Master of Arts degree, established, 141 RUST Environment 8c Infrastructure, Inc., contract, 308, 451 Rutherford, J. D., member of advisory board, 48 Rutledge, J., member of advisory committee, 7