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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

608 BOARD OF TRUSTEES Public Safety Building, cont'd comptroller's authority to award contract for furnishings, fixtures and equipment, 430 contract, electrical work, 251 fire protection work, 251 general work, 251 heating work, 251 plumbing work, 251 ventilation work, 251 Purchases, approved, 30, 69, 95, 118, 150, 179, 223, 247, 286, 327, 356, 375, 403, 431, 453, 474, 504, 526, 571 competitive bidding procedure, increase in dollar value, 31 Hospital, University, participation in University Hospital Consortium purchasing program, increase in dollar limit of individual purchases requiring specific board approval, 430 natural gas, University's purchase from one supplied, 482 Putnam Investment Company, participant in taxdeferred retirement plan, discontinued, 237 Qin, M., 498 Quality Advancement Program (Chicago campus), report, 384 Quality Assessment and Improvement plan, Hospital, University, revised, 143 Quality Assurance Council, Hospital, University, redesignated, 143 Quality Improvement Council, Hospital, University, changes in membership, 143 Quek, F. K. H., appointment, 305 Quern, A., report concerning organization of higher education in Illinois, 165 Quorum Health Resources, Inc., contract, 396 R. C. Plumbing, Inc., contract, 282 RBI Insurance Services, Inc., contract, 248 not executed, 249 RIM Architects, contract, 451 ROTC, equipment and supplies, bond for care and safe-guarding, 58 Radiation oncology services, contract, Hospital, University, 273 Radio and television (Urbana), Bachelor of Science degree, discontinued, 307 Master of Science degree, discontinued, 307 Radio and Television, Department of (Urbana), discontinued, 307 Radiology (Chicago campus), Master of Science degree, discontinued, 518 Ramchandran, K., appointment, 372 Raney, G. E., appointment, 370 Raskin, L., appointment, 372 Rathje Enterprises, See Bodine Electric of Decatur, Inc. Rausch Rehabilitation Services, contract, 316, 559 Rauth, S., appointment, 52 Raven, S., death of, 415 Ravenswood Hospital Medical Center (Chicago), See EHS Health Care, Inc. Reagan, L., member of Center for Advanced Study, 7 190 Reagan, L. J., appointment, 11 Reaiestate acquisition program (Chicago campus), actions by City of Chicago, 529 authority of Executive Committee to acquire by purchase or condemnation, 64, 117 authority of university counsel to acquire by purchase or condemnation, 64 117, 503 recision of authority to condemn 1401-1409 South Halsted Street, 431 report, 334, 364, 440, 459 Recreation fields (Urbana), contract, consulting services, 450 Reddy, K. R., appointment, 389 Reemployment agreements, president of University authorized to negotiate with retirees, 283 Reese, J. R., appointment, 419 comments to board, regarding election of president of board, 129 elected member of Executive Committee, 412 President of University, cont'd authorization affirmed by Board of Trustees concerning administrative salary policy, 309 report, acceleration of schedule for approval of tuition levels, 368 actions of the senates, 33, 121, 151, 180, 254, 287, 328, 329, 404, 434, 474, 532, 572 budget, Fiscal Year 1994, 133, 186, 229, 261, ^ 9 8 , 443 Illinois Board of Higher Education recommendations, 164 Fiscal Year 1995, 442, 462, 547 budget reallocation, 44 evaluation and downsizing of University programs, 104 joint resolution regarding expansion of role and authority of Illinois Board of Higher Education, 133 possible change in Federal funding policies, pause in ICR reimbursement rate, 443 Priorities, Quality, and Productivity (POP) program of IBHE, 44, 76, 133, 384 "report card" on University, 187 resolution concerning parity for salaries for State employees, 77 settlement ol collective bargaining agreements, 414 Social Work, School of (Urbana), evaluation of program, 105 supplemental budget appropriation, 462 Urbana campus, newspapers articles, 5 resignation, 543, 547 salary, 461 increase, 544 salary for Fiscal Year 1993, 2 selection of successor, proposed procedure for search, 549 proposed process for selection of consultative committee, 549 Press conference, 545 Prevedell, D. C , member of advisory committee, 301 Prevention Research Center (Chicago campus), lease of office space, 528 Price, S. E., member of Board of Examiners in Accountancy, 551 Price, T. Rowe, Inc., participant in tax-deferred retirement plan, 237 Price, T. Rowe, Investment Services, Inc., See Price, T. Rowe, Inc. Prior, P. A., appointment, 53 Priorities, Quality, and Productivity (PQP) program, president's report, 44, 76, 133 recommendations by Illinois Board of Higher Education for both campuses, 163, 384 Proctor, A. F., appointment, 446 Proctor Community Hospital, contract, 239 Professional Builders Group, contract, 175, 214 Promotions, academic staff, 11, 305 Prost, J. H., undergraduate instructional award, Silver Circle, 234 Prosthodontics (Chicago campus), advanced certificate in advanced prosthodontics, revised, 476 Prudential Asset Management Company, Inc., participant in tax-deferred retirement plan, 237 Psychology, Department of (Urbana), degree, Doctor of Psychology, discontinued:, 390 Public administration (Chicago campus), degree, Doctor of Philosopny, established, 171 Master's degree, possibly offered on an evening schedule, 45$ Public administration (Urbana), master's degree, possible discontinuation, 415 program and master's degree, discontinued, 390 Public Health, School of (Chicago campus), acting dean, appointment, 49 degrees, conferred, 289, 290, 291, 574, 576, 6 577 joint master's program with College of Nursing, established, 476 nonsalaried clinical faculty, 53, 378 Public relations services, contract, 421 Public Safety Building (Urbana), comptroller's authority to award construction contracts, 219
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