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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Humana Hospital Illinois, Inc., cont'd Subordinate Affiliation Agreements with University, amended, 118 Humana-Michael Reese Hospital, report on contract for provision of medical education, 76, 104 Humanities, Institute for the, members, appointments, 189, 486 Huston, I., member of advisory committee, 300 Hylton, P., appointment, 51 Hyre Electric Co., contract, 278, 280 increase, 427 ICR reimbursement rate, possible change in Federal funding policy, 443 Ideal Heating Company, contract, 564 Ikenberry, S. O., resignation, 543, 547 Illini Achievement Fund, See Advancement Fund, U of I Illini Builder's Group, contract, increase, 404 Illini Union (Urbana), contract, life safety improvements, architectural services, 402 engineering services, 402 loading dock elevator replacement, 214 patio enclosure, architectural services, increase, 320 electrical work, 320 engineering services, increase, 320 general work, 319 heating work, 319 plumbing work, 319 sprinkler system, 320 ventilation work, 319 stairwell addition, 320 patio enclosure, project budget, increase, 320 resources to be used for La Casa Cultural Latina, 5 warehouse, comptroller's authority to award construction contracts, 219 contract, air conditioning work, 252 electrical work, 252 fire protection work, 252 general work, 252 heating work, 252 plumbing work, 252 ventilation work, 252 Illinois, State of, intergovernmental agreement in connection with a State Police Forensic Science Laboratory, 433 Illinois Collection Service, Inc., contract, 560 Illinois Masonic Medical Center, treatment of Zikang Pan, authorization for settlement, 285 Illinois Medical Center Commission, intergovernmental agreement in connection with a State Police Forensic Science Laboratory, 433 Illinois Minority and Female Business Enterprise Act, report to board, 410 Illinois Nurses Association, complaint filed with the Illinois Education Labor Relations Board, 441 filing of unfair labor charge, 407 negotiations with University, 407 report, 185, 441 Illinois Power, correction of metering problem at Abbott Power Plant, 511 litigation, settlement, 511, 527 Illinois State Board of Higher Education, budget recommendations for Tiscal Year 1994, 164 joint resolution, regarding expansion of role and authority, 133 meeting, report, engineering programs and enrollments, 5 Priorities, Quality, and Productivity (PQP) proram, recommendations at both campuses, 63 report, 44, 76, 133, 384 University representative, 167, 444 Illinois State Department of Central Management Services, conveyance of University property for State Police Forensic Science Lab, 433 land transfer to University, 452 Illinois State Department of Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities, Intergovernmental Agreement, 555 599 Illinois State Department of Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities, cont'd Master Academic Affiliation Agreement, 556 Subordinate Academic Affiliation Agreement, 557 transfer certain programs to Chicago campus, 414 transfer of State Psychiatric Institute, 510 Illinois State Department of Public Aid, cessation of payments to University Hospital, 186 Illinois State Department of Transportation, Division of Aeronautics, Airport, University of Illinois-Willard, improvement projects, applications for funds, 88 grant application amended, 348 security fencing, application for funds, 348 Illinois State Psychiatric Institute, transference of education and research responsibilities to University, 510, 555 Illinois Street Residence Halls (Urbana), contract, emergency generators, architectural services, engineering services, 354 installation, 472 Illinois Student Assistance Commission (ISAC), 77, 105 concerns regarding Fiscal Year 1994 budget, 134 designation of Chicago campus, changed, 187 Imbo, T. D., appointment, 79 Imlay, J. A., appointment, 80 Independent Mechanical Industries, Inc., contract, 551 Industrial design (Urbana), curriculum, revised, Infectious diseases clinic (Chicago campus), 147 Information and Decision Sciences, Department of (Chicago campus), head, appointment, 341 Inoue, K., member of Institute tor the Humanities, 190 Institute for the Humanities, See Humanities, Institute for the Insulation work, cost-plus contract, Urbana, 244, 566 Insurance, HMO Hospital Expense Stop Loss, purchase of, 248 not executed, 249 risk management, Hospital, University, report, Intercollegiate Athletics, Division of, associate director of athletics, multi-year contract, 10 coaches' contracts, elements of compensation under control of University, 513 contract, administration facility, architectural services, 451 construction manager services, 502 engineering services, 451 interior design services, 525 director, multi-year contract, 10 report, 3 discontinuance of men's swim team, 229 lease of space, 284 Interim Guidelines on Conflict of Interest, 463 Interior design services, contract, Champaign, Intercollegiate Athletics, Division of, administration facility, 525 International Accounting, Program in (Urbana), fees, no increase, 490 tuition, increases, 490 International Agriculture, Department of (Urbana), advisory committee, appointments, 7, International Contractors, Inc., contract, 112, 147, 210,211 International Piping Systems, Inc., contract, increase, 245 Interstate Welding & Fabrication, Inc., contract, 31 Intramural-Physical Education Building, contract, front entrance renovation, air conditioning work, 214 electrical work, 214 general work, 214 increase, 404 plumbing work, 214 f
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