Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

44 BOARD OF TRUSTEES President's Report [September 10 President Ikenberry began his remarks by stating that he wanted to touch on three topics: a recommendation that the board adopt the operating budget for Fiscal Year 1993; a recommendation that they approve the proposed budget for Fiscal Year 1994; and a summary of issues germane to the initiative of the Illinois Board of Higher Education (IBHE) known as priorities, quality, and productivity (PQP). First, the president addressed the matter of the serious budget reductions that the University took this past year. This made manifest the expectation that had been enunciated in 1989 with the plan to cut $40 million from the University's budget for reallocation purposes. The president reported that the University had actually reallocated $50 million in the past three years. President Ikenberry told the board that the University had lost, in the past year, 80 percent of the monies received by the University as a result of the surtax of 1989. He noted that in adjusting to absorb these cuts, the academic programs had been sheltered as much as possible. Reductions to these were approximately 3.4 percent, whereas cuts to other areas had been about 6 percent. With these considerations, the president urged approval of the first two items delineated above. Next, in explaining the PQP program of the IBHE, the president stated that the IBHE had asked the University to indicate specific programs as targets for reduction or reconfiguration in order to make significant budget cuts within the University over the next several years. The president noted that each public university in the State has been asked to do the same with regard to their priorities and suggested program cuts. It was explained that the IBHE planned to have a list of proposed program cuts for their board meeting in October. Presentation, Fiscal Year 1994 Budget Request President Ikenberry turned to Vice President Resek and asked him to describe the major elements in the proposed FY 1994 budget for the University. Dr. Resek stressed the need and intent to bring all employee groups in the University up to market levels in compensation. Next, a discussion of capital requests and the needs of each campus in terms of capital projects ensued. OLD BUSINESS There was no business presented under this aegis. NEW BUSINESS (3) Mr. Boyle presented the following resolution concerning salary parity for University employees and urged the administration to address this in the ongoing collective bargaining process.