Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1994] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 483 COMMITTEE ON ACADEMIC AFFAIRS DEFERRED Owing to the fact that much remained on the schedule of the board meeting and that time was growing short, the board agreed by consensus to defer the scheduled meeting of the Committee on Academic Affairs until the meeting of the board in May 1994. BOARD MEETING RESUMED At 11:15 a.m., the board meeting resumed and Mr. Boyle asked President Ikenberry for a report to the board. BUSINESS PRESENTED BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY President Ikenberry recognized and introduced observers from the campus senates and from the University Senates Conference.1 He then remarked that the presentation from the undergraduate students was very important and that the University did have some very fundamental obligations to students. He also noted that in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences the required courses had been offered consistently, even though many reductions in faculty and funding had occurred in the last few years. Next, the president told the trustees that in the higher education budget now being considered in the legislature, $34 million was included for the Illinois Student Assistance Commission for student financial aid. Thus, affordability of higher education in Illinois is a major concern. Dr. Ikenberry added that along with this is the issue of quality. This the University strives constantly to preserve. It is also a major reason why students wish to attend the University of Illinois. In conclusion, the president remarked that the student presentations were refreshing and that they will cause us to take a new look at some persistent issues. He stated that he knew well that quality and affordability are serious concerns of the Board of Trustees. OLD BUSINESS There was no business presented under this aegis. NEW BUSINESS Trustee Grabowski reported on the most recent meeting of the advisory committee to the Division of Intercollegiate Athletics. He noted that this group had discussed a pending contract for the basketball coach, an estimated budget shortfall for Fiscal Year 1994, revenue sharing among the Big Ten institutions for the coming year, and progress on planning for a new administrative building for the Division of Intercollegiate Athletics. 1 Urbana-Champaign Senate Council: Joan Larsen Klein, associate professor of English; Chicago Senate: R. Victor Harnack, professor of speech in the Department of Performing Arts. T h e r e was no observer from the University Senates Conference.