Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

484 B O A R D OF T R U S T E E S [April 8 Trustees Bacon and Calder asked for more detail on the contract mentioned above. Trustee Gindorf suggested that this should be discussed in executive session and indicated intent to make a motion for this. Chair Boyle asked Dr. Gindorf to wait a short while on this and permit the board members to vote on the regular agenda first. Dr. Gindorf agreed. RESOLUTION TO HONOR ROMAYNE C. WICKLUND On motion of Mrs. Gravenhorst, the following resolution honoring Mr. Romayne C. Wicklund, associate secretary of the Board of Trustees, on the occasion of his retirement from the University, was approved unanimously. To Romayne C. Wicklund: The Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois expresses and records its grateful appreciation of your thirty-five years of dedicated service to the University, twenty-eight of those years to the Board of Trustees. You have served many members of this Board of Trustees through these years with intelligence, style, consideration and an inimitable sense of humor that has nurtured and assisted each in carrying out his or her role as guardian of this University. To all of us you have been a constant reminder of the excellence of the University, its traditions and the bond of loyalty that keeps us close to it. The members of this board who have served through your tenure as Assistant Secretary and Associate Secretary of the Board of Trustees will remember you as friend, counselor, and teacher. Your aid in helping us understand the complexity of the University and in providing guidance in analyzing difficult and challenging issues has been a mainstay in carrying out our roles as Trustees of the University. In your long association with the University of Illinois from which you received both undergraduate and law degrees and have served as a member of the administrative staff since 1959, you have exemplified in your performance the motto of this institution: learning and labor. You have worked closely with three presidents during your tenure and indeed, not one of the sitting Trustees or General Officers has ever known anyone else in your role. The president of the University and other officers of the University wish to join with the Trustees in this tribute to you. We look forward to your continued involvement with this board and with your alma mater and extend best wishes to you and Mrs. Wicklund. The Board of Trustees directs that this resolution be incorporated in the minutes of today's meeting, to become a part of the official public record, and that a special copy be prepared and given to you as a permanent reminder of the esteem and affection in which you are held by all of us. REGULAR AGENDA1 The board considered the following reports and recommendations from the president of the University. By consensus, the board agreed that one vote would be taken and considered the vote on each agenda item nos. 1 through 18 inclusive. 1 Mrs. Gravenhorst left the meeting at this time.