Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

470 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [March 11 a presentation. The board will hear a limited number of speakers per meeting. Approximately one hour will be allotted for this purpose. Copies of speakers' comments and/or other written materials for distribution to the Board of Trustees will be accepted. Speakers should not expect replies or comments from board members. 3. Scheduling of speakers: When the number of requests to address the board at a given session exceeds the time available, requests will be approved based on the date the written request was received by the secretary of the board. In addition, the board will hear no more than one speaker per issue or position on an issue, unless time permits. Another criterion for choosing speakers will be the relationship of the topic to the current agenda of the board. The board will not hear presentations dealing with issues under negotiation as part of the University's collective bargaining process, grievances of individual students or employees, complaints regarding procurement or other contractual matters, or litigation involving the University. 4. Scheduling of sessions: The chair of the Board of Trustees or the chair's deputy will preside during Board of Trustees' sessions to receive public comments. The secretary is responsible for scheduling the sessions for public testimony. Such sessions will normally occur after the committee meetings of the board and before the regular agenda. Public comment sessions will not be scheduled by the Board of Trustees during those months in which the board meets in a one-day session only. Proposed Intergovernmental Agreement Between the Board of Trustees of Lincoln Land Community College and the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois (11) Lincoln Land Community College and ten other Central Illinois community colleges have agreed to form a consortium of 11 community colleges to set up an FAA-approved Airframe and Powerplant program with the Institute of Aviation. The Community College Board has approved a request that Lincoln Land Community College be permitted to offer an Aviation Mechanics Associate Degree program. Students will spend the first year at their local community college completing the general education requirements for the degree. They will then transfer their course work to and enroll in Lincoln Land Community College. During the second and third years, the Institute of Aviation will provide aircraft mechanics classroom and laboratory technical instruction and learning experiences necessary to meet FAA requirements for Airframe and Power Plant Certification and to meet Lincoln Land Community College requirements for the Associate in Applied Science degree in Aviation Mechanics. The full cost of the program will be covered by tuition and fees assessed by Lincoln Land and formula-based reimbursements paid by the State of Illinois to Lincoln Land. Through a contract Lincoln Land will provide reimbursement to the Institute of Aviation. This agreement will be effective July 1, 1994, and will remain in effect until either party terminates the agreement with twelve months' written notice. The financial terms of the agreement may be amended annually. In the event of a termination notice from either party, the program termination will occur on the July 1st following the anniversary date of the issuance of the notice. The chancellor at Urbana recommends that the comptroller and secretary be authorized to execute an agreement with the Board of Trustees of Lincoln Land Community College and to execute annual amendments as required. With the concurrence of the vice president for academic affairs, I recommend approval. On motion of Ms. Reese, this recommendation was approved by the