Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1993] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 167 Resolved further that the secretary of the Board of Trustees is authorized to delegate to such individuals as she may designate from time to time authority to sign her name as secretary of the Board of Trustees to vouchers presented to the State Comptroller and to warrants on the University Treasurer covering vouchers approved in accordance with regulations of the board. Be It Further Resolved that the First National Bank of Chicago, as a designated depositary of Bernard T. Wall, treasurer of this corporation, be and it (including its correspondent banks) is hereby requested, authorized, and directed to honor checks, drafts, or other orders for the payment of money drawn in this corporation's name, including those drawn to the individual order of any person or persons whose name or names appear thereon as signer or signers thereof, when bearing or purporting to bear the facsimile signatures of the two following: president and secretary; and the First National Bank of Chicago (including its correspondent banks) shall be entitled to honor and to charge this corporation for all such checks, drafts, or other orders, regardless of by whom or by what means the facsimile signature or signatures thereon may have been affixed thereto, if such facsimile signature or signatures resemble the facsimile specimens duly certified to or filed with the First National Bank of Chicago by the secretary or other officer of this corporation. And Be It Further Resolved that the State Comptroller is hereby authorized and directed to honor vouchers bearing facsimile signatures of the president and secretary of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois if such facsimile signatures resemble the facsimile specimens duly certified to or filed with the State Comptroller by the secretary. These authorizations are to continue in effect until the State Comptroller has been supplied with specimen signatures of succeeding officers of this board. Illinois Board of Higher Education Representative Mrs. Calder announced that Mr. Lamont would serve as the alternate member to the Illinois Board of Higher Education. State Universities Retirement System Representatives On motion of Mr. Begovich, Mr. Boyle and Mr. Lamont were elected to serve as the Board of Trustees' representatives on the State Universities Retirement System Board. Election of Civil Service Merit Board Representatives On motion of Dr. Bacon, Dr. Gindorf, Mr. Grabowski, and Ms. Lopez were elected to serve on the Civil Service Merit Board (and by custom to constitute the Nonacademic Personnel Committee of the Board of Trustees). Appointments to Standing Committees of the Board of Trustees President Calder announced the appointments to the committees1 of the board for 1993 as follows: 1 The president of the board and the president of the University are members, ex officio, of all committees, the president of the board with vote. (Nonvoting student members are designated by an asterisk.)