UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922 [PAGE 84]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922
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[September 14

(b) Minor contracts and those involving the purchase of ordinary supplies, advertising and publicity matters, and other routine matters in the ordinary operation of University affairs, shall be signed by the Secretary of the Board of Trustees and by the Comptroller of the University, to whom authority is hereby delegated by the Board for such purpose. 6 All contracts must have the seal of the University attached.

On motion of Mr. Herbert, these rules were adopted.

INVESTIGATION OF FATIGUE OF METALS (30) A recommendation from Dean Richards that the contract between the Engin» eering Foundation, the National Research Council, and the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois for a co-operative investigation of the Fatigue Phenomena of Metals by the University of Illinois through its Engineering Experiment Station be extended to include additional tests hereafter described under the following terms and conditions: 1« This agreement is supplemental to and a part of the original contract approved by the Board of Trustees, October 4, 1919 (Minutes p. 574 ffj, and the provisions of that contract apply to this agreement, except in so far as they are modified by the terms of this agreement. 2. The program for the co-operative investigation of the Fatigue Phenomena of Metals prepared by the Advisory Committee under the original contract shall be extended to include: (a) Similar tests of a 3% to 3}4% nickel steel of about 0.40% carbon, the steel to be tested both annealed and heat treated. (b) A series of tests in which the stresses shall all be tension and the cycles shall be made up of variations from maximum and minimum values predetermined by the General Electric Company. (c) A series of tests with specimens which while under a certain fixed tension shall be subjected to bending stresses, the effect of which will be to vary in cycles the distribution of stresses from side to side of the specimen. 3. Duly authorized representatives of the General Electric Company shall be given full opportunity to participate in the investigation. Under the direction of the Engineering Experiment Station their representatives as well as others interested shall have access to and the right to use but not to publish all information obtained from the tests herein provided for without waitings for publication of such information or results. Employees of the General Electric Company may be added to the staff engaged upon such research or may be employed in conducting the research on terms to be mutually agreed upon by the parties to this agreement. 4. The tests herein provided for are to be considered as a part of the general investigation already in progress and the results are to be included in the report of that nvestigation. 5. All apparatus purchased from funds provided under the original contract shall be used as may be necessary for the additional investigations above described until the completion of these supplemental investigations. 6. The University of Illinois through its Engineering Experiment Station shall prosecute these supplemental investigations with reasonable diligence, but the period of time (two years from November 1, 1919) named in the original contract shall be extended until the completion of these supplemental investigations herein described or until the funds'provided by the General Electric Company as given in Article 7 shall have been expended, in the event that these funds are insufficient to meet completely the expenses of these supplemental investigations. 7. In consideration of the extension of the program of the co-operation investigation of the Fatigue Phenomena of Metals as herein provided, the General Electric Company agrees to pay to the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois, through the Engineering Foundation, the sum of Thirty Thousand Dollars (330,000), or so much thereof as may be necessary, in addition to the amount agreed upon in the original contract approved October 4, 1919, in the following manner: (a) An initial payment of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000) on or before October 15 1920;