UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 [PAGE 1453]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916
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INDEX. Treasurer—-Concluded. reconciliation of warrant registers, 270, 825. report, 116, 205, 282, 780, 912. warrants on, 314, 918. Treat, Edna L., appointment, 58, 807. Treat, Gladys A., degree, 955. Trees, moving of, apparatus for, 897. Treischel, Chester, degree, 953. Trelease, W., appointment, 47, 794. leave of absence, 225. Tressel, H. S., degree, 74. Treu, M. R. H., degree, 954. Trevett, J. R., Agriculture Committee, 248, 926. Engineering Committee, 248, 926. Finance Committee, 248, 926. Triggs, L. A., degree, 74. Trippett, S. P., appointment, 141. Tritt, Frances I., degree, 951. Troeger, P. T., degree, 955. Trost, F. H., degree, 74. Trost, Opal W., degree, 955.. Troster, O. J., appointment, 915. commission, 961. degree, 955. final honors, 960. Trowbridge, C. E., degree, 954. Trowbridge, C. L., degree, 307. Trowbridge, M. L., appointment, 248. degree, 304, 957. Troxel, F. E., degree, 954. Troy, Mary Z., appointment, 59. degree, 307. Trumbo, S. M., degree, 953. True, L. J., appointment, 781, 805. Trust fund, cash receipts, 815. transactions, 269, 824, 911. Trustees, Board of, 5. election of officers, 218, 917. Tsung, H. H., degree, 75. Tucker, P. C, degree, 74. Tupper, J. O., degree, 955. Turlay, Anne M., degree, 304. Turley, R. E., degree, 310. Turner, B. I., degree, 74. Turner, F. B., appointment, 805. Turner, F., appointment, 133. degree, 77. Turner, H. M., degree, 310. Turner, R. K., degree, 77. Tuthill, J. K., degree, 76. Tuttle, G. P., appointment. 792. Twohey, F. J., degree, 83. Tyacke, Dorothy, appointment, 915. Typhoid fever, examination for, 865. inoculation, 938. investigation, 43. Ulrici, Helena M., scholarship, 944. Umbenhaur, E. V., degree, 83. Underringer, E. J., degree, 936. Uniforms, change, 157, 192. committee, on contracts for bids appointed, 226. Ungherini, V. O., degree, 82. United States Audit Co., employed, 235. report, 117, 232, 899. United States Bureau of Mines, 35. United States Department of Agriculture, agreement concerning extension of work, 109. Universities Committee on Medical Education, 236. University Gold Medal, 82, 312, 961. University, history of, 919. Updegraff, Helen, appointment, 795. Upham, A. H., appointment, 892. Uphaus, B. R., degree, 306. Upp, R. W., appointment, 141. degree, 956. Urbain, Lottie O., degree, 951. Urban a Railway, Gas, and Electric Company, car line, 44, 246. Urnquist, S. V., degree, 74.


Vacancies, authority to fill, 61, 810. Vail, H. P., research fellowship, 944. Vale, Leland, degree, 936. Valentine, H. D., appointment, 48. degree, 310. Vallance, A., appointment, 53, 250, 801, 893 VanAlstine, E., appointment, 55, 802. VanCleve, H. J., appointment, 51, 798. VanCleve, M. M., degree, 75. final honors, 81. Vanderbeek, H. J., appointment, 870. Van den Berg, H. J., appointment, 57, 807. Vanden Boom, G. C, degree, 954. Vandenboom, Leona M., appointment, 843. Vanderburgh, G. L., appointment, 103. Vandercook, H. P., degree, 77. final honors, 81. VanderKloot, A., degree, 308. Van Doren, F. E., degree, 77. VanDoren, M. A., degree, 74, 309. honors, 81. VanFrank, E. D., degree, 953. VanKirk, J. A., degree, 82. VanKleek, J. K., appointment, 133. Van Natter, F. M., appointment, 915. commission, 961. degree, 952. Vanneman, F. M., authorized to secure options, 233. offer of land, 225. Vansant, R. F., degree, 955. Vansant W. L., degree, 306. VanTuyl, F. M., appointment, 796. VanWinkle, W. A., appointment, 794. Vart, M. B., degree, 956. Vartaman, M. B., appointment, 141. Varzhabedian, M. A., appointment, 141. degree, 308. Vaubel, Daniel, appointment, 803. Vaughan, G. P., degree, 304. Vaughan, J. C, appointment, 124. Vaughan, Myra, degree, 951. Vaupell, G. F., degree, 83. Vavra, C, degree, 83. Velzy, C. R., degree, 76. Venning, F. L., appointment, 203, 805. Vernier, C. G„ appointment, 58, 807. Veterinary Science, department of, budget, 57, 215, 806. Vial, R. H., degree, 955. Vibelius, S. N., commission, 961. degree, 953. N Vice President, office, 11. budget, 792. see Kinley, D. Vickrey, W., appointment, 248. Virmani, D. D., degree, 310. Visitors, entertainment, 776. expenses allowance, 46. Visitors' permits for teachers, 938. Vivarium, appropriation for, 871. Building, bids, 300. completed, 866. contract awarded, 302. cost of extras, 897. estimate for completion of, 934. heating, plumbing, and wiring contract awarded, 302. Voight, Lida E., appointment, 58, 807. Voigt, H. L., degree, 953. Volk, A. C, degree, 953. Vollweiler, E. H., appointment, 48, 133, 794. degree, 957. Vondrasek, F. J., degree, 936. Voorhees, L. E., degree, 952. Vorsanger, L., degree, 242. Voss, E. A., degree, 77. Voss, Esther K., appointment, 857. Vouchers, 753. authority to delegate signing of, 918. drawn on Treasurer, 963.