UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916 [PAGE 1454]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1916
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UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. Watkins, O. S., appointment, 57, 805. leave of absence, 861, 935. Watkins, Rachel, appointment, 870. Watson, Ethel, appointment, 103, 830. Watson, Florence E., Instruction Committee, 248, 926. Library Committee, 248, 926. Students' Welfare Committee, 248, 926.. Watson, F. R., appointment, 53, 801. Watson, G. W., degree, 78. Watson, Jane C., appointment, 844. degree, 304. Watson, J. W., degree, 955. Watson, Lelia E., degree, 951. Watson, Minnie E., degree, 311. Watson, P. M., degree, 74. Watts, G. W., degree, 306. final honors, 312. honors, 311. Way, M. R., degree, 74. Waylang, T. A., degree, 308. Weatherson, J., appointment, 128, 839. Weaver, R. R., degree, 936. Webb, H. E., degree, 82. Webb, J. K., degree, 955. Webb, R. S., degree, 76. Webber, A., degree, 74. Webber, H. E., degree, 953. Webber, Helen W., degree, 304. Weber, Gertrude T., degree, 952. Weber, H. C. P., appointment, 48, 249, 794. Webster, F. D., appointment, 60, 809. additional batallion, 246. letter, company of engineer, 273. change in uniforms, 157. field guns, 156. to send cadets to San Francisco, 156. Webster, H. C, degree, 76. Wedge, A. H., degree, 956. Weedon, Amy G., appointment, 832, 844. Weedon, M. G., appointment, 141. Weeter, H. M., appointment, 56, 805. Weightman, Marian A., degree, 308. Weiland, H. G., appointment, 141. Weiland, H. J., appointment, 48, 844. degree, 310. Weilepp, Eva S., degree, 304. Weiler, E. G., degree, 953. Weinberg, Flora J., degree, 955. Weingartner, C. P., degree, 305. Weirick, R. B., appointment, 844. Weiss, C., appointment, 249. Welch, J. M., degree, 305. Welch, P. B., appointment, 839, 870. Welch, R. A., degree, 308. Welden, N., appointment, 167, 203. Welker, W. H., appointment, 63, 831. Wells, C. W., appointment, 844. Wells, E. R., degree, 76. Wells, F. &., degree, 306. Wells, Grace A., degree, 310. Wells, J. R., appointment, 56. Wells, L. S., appointment, 795. Wells, M. M., degree, 311. ' Wells, N. A., appointment, 52, 799. Wells and reservoir needed, 194. Welo, L. A., appointment, 270, 794. degree, 310. fellowship, 944. Welsh, Marjorie C, degree, 304. Welsh, R. T., degree, 307. Welty, W. M., degree, 77. Wenke, C. G., degree, 82. deWerff, H. A., appointment, 141, 803. degree, 77. Werninghaus, W. E., degree, 308. Wesenberg, T. C, appointment, 51. Wessels, Vera G., degree, 304. West, W. B., appointment, 840. Westcott, C. H., degree, 76. . final honors, 81. honors, 81.

Vreeland, F. D., appointment, 130, 840. Wach, C. E., degree, 83. Wadsworth, J. G., degree, 78. Wadsworth, W. 1VL, degree, 76. Waggoner, H. D., appointment, 47, 794. degree, 78, 959. Wagner, A., degree, 304. Wagner, A. L., degree, 74. Wagner, W. A., degree, 305. Wagoner, Amanda I., degree, -308. Wagoner, G. L., degree, 956. Wahlin, G. E., appointment, 50, 250, 797. Wainwright, J. B., degree, 306. Wait, B., appointment, 249. Walcott, C. W., litigation, 160, 196. Waldo, E. H., appointment, 52, 799. Walduck, C. L., degree, 75. Walker, C. C, degree, 307. w final honors, 312. a l k e r , C. J., degree, 953. Walker, G. W., degree, 955. Walker, Jennie G., degree, 951. Walker, J. S., degree, 305. Walker, Mabel G., degree, 957. Walker. Q. P., appointment, 844. Walkerly, Dorothy K., degree, 304. Walkerly, Victoria, degree, 75. Wallace, Cora E., appointment, 928. Wallace, L. B., degree, 952. Wallace, M. C. degree. 77. Wallin, Marie E., degree, 951. Walraven, W. B., degree, 953. Walsh, E. M., appointment, 141, 802. Walsh, J. R., estate, partial payment, Walser, Prank E., degree, 304. Walters, H. H., degree, 305. Walters, J. N., degree, 77. Walton, Nellie G., litigation, 160, 196. Walworth, E. EL, appointment, 55, 803. Walworth. R. W., degree, 307. Walz, I. E., degree, 951. Wang, T. C, degree, 955. Ward, Amy, degree, 951. Ward, H. B., appointment, 51, 798. Ward, Mamie L., degree, 304. Ward, M. V.. degree, 74. Ward. R-. R., Building and Grounds Committee, 248, 926. Finance Committee, 248, 926. Instruction Committee, 248, 926. Warfield, V. H., degree, 74. Warinner. -C. W.. degree, 76. Warner, E. E., degree, 306. Warner, E. H., appointment, 54, 801, 893. degree. 79. Warnock. A. R., appointment, 792. Warnock. H. M., degree, 955. Warrants, authority" to delegate signing of, 222, 248. 779. 918/ authority to sign, 836. drawn on the Treasurer of the University. 314. 963. general University, 314, 963. paid, 780. Warren, P. B.. degree. 76. Warrick. W. C. degree, 82. Warzynski. L. J., degree. 83. Wascher. F. M. W.. aDpointment, 55, 803. Washburn, C. £.. degree, 306. Washburn, E. W., anpointment, 48, 794. Water purification plant. 226. Water supply, additional. 852. Water survev, appropriations for, 823. budget, 216. staff. 33. see State water survey. Water system, 837. Waterbury, L. A., degree, 305. Waterfall. H. W., appointment, 53, 800. Waters. E., degree, 77. Watkins, Gordon, appointment, 798. degree, 309.