Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

.1911] PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. 537 I t was voted to authorize the Committee on Buildings and Grounds to let the contract on the Transportation building i n accordance with the plans approved. PLANS AND CONTRACT FOR CERAMICS AND BUILDING. MINING ENGINEERING The State Architect submitted the plans for the Ceramics and Mining . Engineering building, which were approved as presented. I t was voted to authorize the State Architect and the supervising architect to open the bids on the Ceramics and Mining Engineering building to be received on Dec. 18, 1911. I t was voted to authorize the Committee on Buildings and Grounds to let the contracts for the Ceramics and Mining Engineering building, in accordance with the plans as approved. P L A N S FOR C A M P U S D E V E L O P M E N T . • The State Architect presented a new plan for the development of the south campus. This plan was discussed at some length, but no action was taken with respect to it. MATTERS P R E S E N T E D BY T H E V I C E PRESIDENT. The vice president of the University presented the following matters for consideration: APPOINTMENT OF PROFESSOR OF FORESTRY. (1) A recommendation that Dr. Hugh P. Baker, now of Pennsylvania State college, be appointed professor of Forestry in the College of Agriculture at a salary of thirty-five hundred dollars ($3,500.00) a year, the appointment to become effective as soon as Dr. Baker may be able to report for service. This recommendation was approved. APPOINTMENT ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF AGRICULTURAL EXTENSION. (2) A recommendation that Mr. Aretas Wilbur Nolan be appointed assistant professor of Agricultural Extension, at a salary of twenty-four hundred dollars ($2,400.00) a year, this appointment to become effective as soon as Mr. Nolan may be -able to report for service. This recommendation was approved. APPOINTMENT OF AN INSTRUCTOR IN ARCHITECTURE. (3) A recommendation that Mr. Angelo B. M. Corrubia, at present part time assistant in Architecture, be appointed instructor in Architecture, on full time, from Dec. 1, 1911, to June 30, 1912, at a salary of $142.85 per month. This recommendation was approved. OF