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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1910] PROCEEDINGS OE THE BOARD OF TRUSTEES. 15 Paper A—Current June 30,1910. Physiology .". Political Science President's office Psychology. Public school drawing exhibit.. Rebates to students Romance languages Salaries for services. College of Science. Edward Snyder, fund principal Edward Snyder, fund interest.. Sociology Soil examination, receipts...... Summer s e s s i o n s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Supervising Architect Theme reading University fellowships Vice President's stenographer.. Water Survey Zoology i L Appropriations—Concluded. Appropriated. $1,000 00 25 00 2,230 58 1,000 00 50 00 5,000 00 150 00 3,000 00 400 00 3,930 82 769 99 25 00 2,095 29 6,909 50 1,591 83 500 00 2,400 00 300.00 3,307 43 2,990 00 Expended. $1,000 00 25 00 1,718 68 811 68 50 00 3,700 60 149 95 2,266 07 400 00 4,625 00 638 28 25 00 315 20 2,000 00 1,407 29 500 00 2,050 00 275 00 3,307 43 2,155 11 Balance. i '5ii 90 188 32 1,299 40 05 733 93, 131 71 1,780 09 4,909 50 184 54 350 00< 25 00 834,89 PAPER B — S T A T E APPROPRIATIONS. June 30,1910. Agricultural' College equipment Apparatus and Appliances— Astronoiny..... J. .• Entomology Mathematics ....; t\... Appropriated. Expended. $50,000 00 $ 500 00 1,000 00 1,200 00 300 00 $3,000 00 $17,500 00 Cabinets, 1907-'09 Cabinets , $4,000-00 $2,000 00 .$12,500 00 $10,000 00 $15,000 00 $15,000 00 School of Domestic Science (1907-1909) School of Domestic Science Drains, fences and repairs, 1907-'09 Drains, fences and repairs 1907-1909. Engineering Extension and Maintenance— Closed out •. $20,000 00 $2,500 00 $10,000 00 $2,500 00 $10,000 00 $26 80 $2,473 20/ $49,997 03 $ 500 00 1,000 00 991 47 283 .44 $2,774 91 $17,500-00 $4,000 00 $1,233 42 $16,144 68 $10,000 00 $14,082 42 $15,000 00 $18,479 51 $1,520 49 $2,500 0O . " • ; Balance. :$2 97 $208 53 16 56 $225 09> $766 58 • $917 58 »'' $141,500 00. $141,500 00 8,500 00 8,500 00 $150,000 00 $150,000 00 Engineering Extension and Maintenance— College. Experiment Station. Fellowships........: Salaries .- $25,000 00 $18,941 05 " 30,000 00 24,116 25 5,000 00 3,501 69 20,000 00 20,000 00 $80,000,00 $66,558 99 $6,058*95, 5,883 75. 1,498 31 $13,441 01
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