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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

14 U N I V E R S I T Y OF I L L I N O I S . PAPER A-—CURRENT APPROPRIATIONS: June 30,1910. [Sept. 20 Salaries for instruction Buildings and grounds Heat and light « • '. Stationery and printing : Academy, salaries Agriculture College Library and apparatus Incidentals Labor. Departments— Architecture Astronomy Ceramics... --- — Civil engineering Mechanical engineering - Military ....:.... Railway engineering Laboratories— Academy •— Applied mechanics Botany • Chemical. Electrical. < . x Entomology <Geology Municipal and sanitary engineering, Physics. -. Physiology Psychology Zoology Sundries— Academy Accountancy Alumni Quarterly Art and design Astronomy ....... Band instruments deposits Blue printing. Botany : Classics Crop experiments, receipts JDairy investigation, receipts 3Dean of men Debating and oratory. Dedicating Physics building Editing catalogue -Editing University Bulletin. ^School of E d u c a t i o n — English. Entomology Feeding experiments, receipts Fire patrol wagon Floriculture, receipts Furniture and fixtures •Geology German High School C o n t e s t . . . . ' . . . . . . . : ----High School Visitor History Law School. Library School Library stacks S Library supplies College of Literature and Arts Mathematics Military and band scholarships Museum School of Music Natural History Museum addition. Nutrition investigation— Treatment of orchards, receipts Journal of Philology Philosophy. Physical training, men Physical training, women -.... $ 4, 000 ,731 7, 1, 925 2,,069 ,584 ,834 58, 706 ,132 7, 57, ,718 706 247 95 427 9a0 841 287 103 297 671 904 529 367 498 179 433 252 101 955 100 980 000 400 36 240 589 650 150 795 606 100 400 500 800 000 500 850 220 117 000 830 000 500 150 400 750 150 1, 900 1, 450 5, 500 1, 000 500 250 2, 000 4, 000 937 28, 544 403 1, 022 796 25 000 600 00 $ 3,860 16 37 7,273 53 56 847 91 76 2,013 65 40 14,584 40 22 48,833 58 42 595 21 38 6,334 91 48 57,718 48 09 80 36 96 36 64 50 64 39 55 11 57 70 30 03 29 62 75 05 00 20 00 00 89 00 96 00 00 73 92 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 17 Q0 16 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 50 13 37 25 09 00 00 00 $ 139 457 1,077 56 84 84 65 11 16,666 64 111 21 797 47 311 71 28 77 394 247 66 1,427 1,737 841 20 352 1,143 1,596 22,947 1,416 200 290 19 1,097 252 101 958 38 80 59 96 35 64 02 51 09 73 62 17 71 71 90 49 62 75 85 223 01 267 48 751 1,154 74 1,956 113 166 207 159 1,335 13 30 82 49 40 99 59 13 80 1,072 99 27 01 1,051 75 2,928 45 1,000 00 400 00 36 89 120 00 120 66 3,031 72 558 24 650 00 150 00 410 71 "*"5,"385"02 5,411 30 5,195 62 2,100 00 394 82 5 18 445 50 54 50 300 77 499 23 988 50 11 50 858 62 1,641 38 850 00 138 94 4,377 80 739 37 483 25 2,516 75 130 99 . 699 17 2,441 23 558 77 462 03 37 97 150 00 323 05 76 95 1,750 00 69 149 31 556 05 1,343 95 511 36 938 64 5,500 00 1,000 00 500 00 250 00 1,512 00 488 00 4,000 00 843 04 94 46 28,273 14 270 99 403 37 942 28 69 97 174 18 21 91 25 00 819 16 180 84 407 94 192 06 si 66
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