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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1911] Treasurer's "balance Chief clerk's balance PROCEEDINGS OF THE BOAPvD OF TRUSTEES. 479 $651,970 76 14,665 20 Cash receipts (Exhibit " A " ) Disbursements (Exhibit f ' B " ) Balance June 30,1911 Made up of— Treasurer's balance Chief clerk's balance Balance as above ; $666,635 96 64,244 48 $730,880 44 436,981 69 $293,898 75 _-. $280,040 07 13,858 68 $293,898 75 We compared all warrants paid during the quarter with the treasurer's record. We also obtained a certificate from the State Bank of Chicago, Illinois, certifying to the balance of cash on deposit to the credit of the treasurer at the close of business June 30, 1911: Treasurer's balance Less— Warrant No. 13103 listed $14.50 should be $14.59 Warrant No. 14858 listed $416.16 should be $416.66 $392,980 47 $27 00 09 50 27 59 $392,952 88 The following is a reconcilement of the treasurer's account with the books of the University on June 30, 1911: Treasurer's balance per University books Add unpaid warrants (schedule "9") Made up of— General fund College of Medicine fund U . S . Agricultural Experiment fund School of Pharmacy fund. Balance as above $280,040 07 112,912 81 $392,952 88 $370,872 16 21,656 78 368 95 792 89 y $392,952 88 Yours very truly, C. W. COMPTROLLER'S EEPORT. KNISELY. Professor S. W. Shattuck, comptroller, presented his report for the quarter ending J u n e 30, 1911. This report was received for record, certain parts to be printed as shown below, and was then referred to the Finance Committee: Sept. 12,.1911. W. L. Abbott, Esquire, President Board of Trustees, University of Illinois: SIR—I have the honor to hand you herewith the following financial statements and papers: Paper A is a statement of the current appropriation June 30, 1911. Paper B is a statement of the State appropriations June 30, 1911. Paper G is a statement of the United States fund June 30, 1911. Paper E is a statement of the United States Agricultural Experiment Station appropriations June 30, 1911.
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