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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1912 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

478 U N I V E R S I T Y OF I L L I N O I S . P L A N S FOR W O M A N ' S BUILDING. [Sept. 12 I t was voted to accept the design submitted by the State Architect for the addition to the Woman's building, and to direct the State Architect to proceed with the plans for this structure. I t was voted, also, to accept in a general way the floor plans for the addition to the Woman's building submitted by the supervising architect, and to refer these plans to the Committee on Students' Welfare for consideration, with power to act. AUDITOR'S EEPORT. Mr. Grout, as chairman of the Finance Committee, submitted the report of the Audit Company of Illinois on their quarterly audit of the books and records of account of the University of Illinois for the quarter ending J u n e 30, 1911. This report was received for record, certain parts to be printed as shown below, and was then referred to the Finance Committee: Aug. 23, 1911. Mr. A. P. Grout, Chairman, Finance Committee, University of Illinois: DEAR SIR—We have made our regular quarterly audit of the books and records of account of the University of Illinois for the fourth quarter (ended June 30, 1911) of the fiscal year, and submit herewith our report thereon, together with the appended exhibits and schedules, showing receipts and disbursements in detail. We reconciled the chief clerk's cash account on the morning of Aug. 7, 1911, proved the cash book footings from May 8, 1911, to Aug. 7, 1911, verified the cash in the office by count, and examined and* proved the footings of the approved and receipted, vouchers in process of entry. We obtained a certificate from the First National Bank of Champaign, Illinois, certifying to the cash on deposit Aug. 7, 1911, as $10,879.77. Balance on hand May 8,1911 Receipts from various sources Disbursements and remittances to treasurer .. Balance on hand Aug. 7,1911 Made up of— Currency Coin First National Bank balance Total cash. Checks for deposit Vouchers for entry Postage Express Sundries LessClass of 1895 fund Balance as above $ 454 00 52 73 10,879 77 $12,047 96 53,803 43 $65,851 39 52,116 23 $13,735 16 -. $11,386 50 290 00 1,303 35 295 40 62 21 439 48 $13,776 94 41 78 $13,735 16 In the cash statement following, we present, in total, the general cash transactions of the fourth quarter, as represented by the cash book and warrant registers, beginning with the general cash balance as at March 31, 1911: .
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