UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1898 [PAGE 322]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1898
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[Feb. 28,


No. Date. 1898. To whom. For what. Amount.

210 Feb. 211 2121 213 214 215 216 217 218 ?19 220 j 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228! March 229 230] 231 232 2331 234 235 236 237

2401 241 242| March 243 244 245 246 247 i 248| 249 April 250 55H 252

253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263! 264 265 266 2671 268! April 269 270 271 2721 273 274 275 276, 2771 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 May

Walnut box , 28 Geo. W. P a r k e r & Son W. W. Lindley Envelopes , H. C . F o r b e s Expenses Walker & Mulliken Cleaning f u r n i t u r e S. A. Forbes Salary, 3 m o n t h s tn date , C. A. Kofoid for Feb., 1898 H.C.Forbes ! Chas. A. H a r t Mary J. S n y d e r C, C. Adams Miles Newberry Harlen Scott Publications R. Friedlander & Son Books Karl J. T r u b n e r Proceedings Zoological Society. W m Wesley & Son ! K. F. Koehler Periodicals Bernard Quaritch Publications S. W. Shattuck, b u s i n e s s m ' g ' r E x p r e s s a g e , etc Filters 15 The Kny-Scheerer Co Phillips Bros Printing S. A. Forbes Expenses Western Union Telegraph Co.. Telegrams »— E. H, S a r g e n t Oxide Bausch & Lomb Optical Co — Eye shades, etc G. W. P a r k e r & Son Catalogue case, etc W. W. Lindley, P. M Envelopes and s t a m p s Ginn&Co J o u r n a l of Morphology The E n t o m Society of Ontario. Canadian E n t o m o l o g i s t Cyclopedia of Am. Biographies.. The Cyclopedia P u b . Co Drawing Lydia M. H a r t Barlock ribbon Lawton & Co : Atomizers, book., etc H. C. Forbes Salary, March, 1898 31 C. A. Kofoid Chas. A. H a r t H. C. Forbes Mary J . Snyder C- C. Adams H a r l e n Scott Miles Newberry 15 Ginn & Co , Book B e r n a r d Quaritch Publications . William Wesley & Son M. l'Administrateur des Archives de Parasitologie Printing H. W . R o k k e r " and b i n d i n g The Gazette Chemicals E. H. Sargent & Co Manilla paper and envelopes Champaign County Herald Stamps W. W. Lindley Reproductions of diagrams, etc . Blomgren Bros. & Co Paper Eugene Dietzgen & Co Welsbach lamps, tubing, etc Henry Trevett Hauling, etc R. S. Wilber Columbia Typewriter Mfg Co.. Ribbons Repairing J M.Chase : Glass, pins Knowlton & B e n n e t t Dip-nets C. A . H a r t W a l k e r & Mulliken Chairs W e s t e r n Union T e l e g r a p h Co.. Telegrams 30 C. A. Kofoid Salary, April, 1898 H . C Forbes Charles A. H a r t . • Mary J. Snyder Charles C. Adams Salary, half March and April, 1898. E. B . F o r b e s Labor and material Lydia M. H a r t Salary, April, 1898 Harlen Scott Miles Newbery Vials E.H. Sargent&Co Labor R. W. Mills Putty H.D.Oldham Central Union Telephone C o . . . Rental and services... Laboratory expenses. E. B. Forbes S. W. Shattuck, b u s i n e s s mgr.. E x p e n s e s , etc P e t t y expenses H. C . F o r b e s Salary, May, 1898 C. C. Adams ,

$1 25 11 08 4 16 1 25 62 50 108 33 91 66 83 33 75 00 25 00 25 00 20 00 67 13

10 00 3 00 > 3 00 12 00 13 75 2 20 9 75 93 20 7 19 1 15 2 04 47 97 29 90 9 00 1 00 7 00 28 00 1 50 2 08 108 33 83 33 91 66 75 00 25 00 20 00 25 00 4 00 9 80 26 06

6 40 51 70 8 00 2 85 18 98 13 00 1 10 1 60 15 05

9 41

4 50 42 57 2 25 2 05 11 50 1 47 108 33 91 66 83 33 75 00 62 50 105 00 40 69 20 00 25 00 6 95 3 00 5 61 11 75 6 47 15 75 1 94 37 50