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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1896 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
334 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS. 90 115,120,302 163 ,. 119,123 243 120 237 248 77 264 158 77 121 ...95,102: 179» University, report concerning, by committee of the Senate U n i v e r s i t y of Illinois Biological E x p e r i m e n t Station U r b a n a & Champaign Electric R. R. (Ao Vaccine Laboratory W a t e r supply contract W a t e r survey of the State W h i t e , A. H., granted leave of absence W h i t e , J . M., made associate professor of architecture W h i t e Street, i esolution against opening it across t h e campus Wills, O. T., military scholarship Wilson, J . H., appointed foreman in t h e foundry W o m e n , physical t r a i n i n g for Wood, R. A., appointed instructor in mechanical engineering. Zinkeisen, Frank, appointed a s s i s t a n t professor of history Resignation .
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